After participating in
SYTYCD, I found myself a tad burned out on posting. I hadn't realized what deadlines for posts would do to my "spare" time. In fact, I soon found that I no longer HAD spare time because if we weren't taking photos and writing posts for the contest...we were linking to linky parties and trying our best to keep the blog fresh. It gave me a new respect to those of you who keep your blogs changing often to keep us entertained and inspired!! And for those of you who take little breaks from time to time...WE UNDERSTAND!! Blogging is for inspiration, but not a necessity of life!! Okay, maybe most of us NEED a blog fix once in a while, but...you know what I mean!
Back to the
contest...I really hope you've all been keeping up with it and voting! There's some serious talent and dedication to be found there! Now, mind you...JunkFest is no longer in the running for the contest, and that's okay, but there was one week's challenge I was SO looking forward to...
PAINT.So I'm going to share my version of the challenge with you anyway!!
The screen door I'm about to bring you has some serious core value. I got it from a sweet lady who now lives on a farm my Mom used to work at when I was very very young! How cool is that!!! It had seen it's better day, but with enough effort, we can revive the old and withered...most of the time. ;) Right?! Kind of like fashioning a console table out of a wood cheese box... (some of you know what I mean!)

Way back when, I showed a preview of this door
HERE. It took me a good long while to dig in and get it home ready. And it wasn't pretty. I started by removing all the old screen which resulted in losing most of the trimwork, then a good scrubbing or two. Light sanding followed, but not rough enough to lose the black finish.

Next I added some trim and spindles (some new, some borrowed from other doors).

Then to warm up the black, I rubbed a coat of my favorite stain over the entire door, then polyurethane. (this is NOT a product endorsement.)

Things were looking good. I cut some masonite panels for the bottom, which you'll see soon. Then added screen to the top.
The door's new purpose was to HIDE the garbage, and the screen didn't cut it.

Plan B.
"B" for Burlap!! Love it. Much better, don't ya think?

Now on to the tutorial portion of this post. (I'm a bit windy, aren't I?) The masonite panels to fill the bottom openings served more than one purpose.
1. Keep the dog OUT of the garbage.
2. Look fabulous.
I started by giving them a coat of black paint, then with stencils borrowed from all my junk sistas, I began to fill them up with the sweet spellings of my fave tasty beverages.
First I drew out the "plan" by outlining the stencils with pencil. This way I could be sure the spaces of the panels were filled and balanced.

Once content with the layout I came back with the stencils and stippled on a soft rusty tan paint.

I light sanding to add some age...and WaaLaa!!

Then to balance out the kitchen, since there are two storage areas, I had another old black door that I simply added a masonite panel treated with chalkboard paint.

It's a FINE place for aspiring artists to do their magic!!