I always feel as though I neglect the vendors (and shoppers) when posting about JunkFest. But I gotta tell you....
Here's a picture heavy post, but only a taste of what JunkFest vendors have to offer you. You see I ran around and snapped what pics I could as the vendors were just starting to get set up. Then I had just a moment later to try to catch them in action with the shoppers.
Problem. There were SO MANY SHOPPERS I couldn't even get positioned to get good pictures! So I sincerely apologize to the vendors not included here....because you are all SO awesome!
Vendor packets will be going out soon. Would you like to join us? Check out the VENDOR tab at the top of the page for info.
You're going to find so much more than these pictures even show. Besides home decor and furniture, you'll find jewelry, pie, hand crafted items of all kinds, crocheted loveliness, produce, antiques, good junk, and So. Much. More. And did I say PIE ?!

These are the gals from Closet Charm. They hosted a fashion show for our Friday Evening Event....fabulous!

Check out those wheels! That would be the BAND! That'll be another post. ;)

Don't forget about the food vendors. YUM.

Oh and by the way, whoever snagged this sweet workbench....I'm totally jealous of you!!