
Friday, October 28, 2011

Can this door be saved?

My brother recently gave me an old door from a house that was destined for demolition. I love everything about this door (except for that brass deadbolt!) from it's chippy white paint, frosted scenic window, perfectly patina'd hardware to the ornate mouldings.

Here's a close-up of the scenic window....absolutely gorgeous!

Here's my problem: The window is cracked in several places and was held together with clear packing tape, which has yellowed with time. All of the pieces are still in place, and the breaks appear to be straight, with no shattering.

Does anybody out there know of any miracle products that will seal or repair the glass as close as possible to its original state?

Or am I better off taking the glass out?

The door is very heavy! If I am unable to repair the glass, I guess I have a few options.....chalk board, cork board, mirror, clear glass with a photo or paper behind.

Any other options? What would you do with it? And where in your house would you put it?

Monday, October 24, 2011

Were You There?

Were you one of the lucky ones who got your tickets in time for the JunkFest Tickled Pink Friday Evening Event?  Because boy oh boy, did they go fast!!  We felt SO fortunate to have such a wonderful junk-lovin' bunch of fabulous people that wanted to share the evening with us...and the best part:

A portion of the ticket proceeds went to a breast cancer awareness organization!! 

How great is that?!


Each and every ticket holder in attendance received a gift from the JunkFest girls, and if they wore or brought something PINK   , they were eligible for door prize drawings too!
*a few pink sticky notes came into play here ;)  *

Here's another great thing about the Friday event....

They get the chance to CHECK OUT THE GOODS!

And check out the goods..they did!!

There were some crazy fun doorprizes...

Our guests were greeted by a fairly new local business called Dakota Sun GardensTheir wine tasting was divine!

We "might" have had a toast or two before the doors were opened.  heehee

And the pièce de résistance of the evening (by popular vote) were the hors d'oeuvres, specially prepared by Megan of Culinary Creations-The Chef that Comes to You!

I believe those attending had a nice time chatting while enjoying the wine, hors d'oeuvres, and surroundings.

And to top off our event every year is a secret ingredient.

Our devoted and beautiful family and friends...who we lovingly refer to as

"The Talented and Wonderful Sales Associates of JunkFest!"

(here are just a few of them)

(They look so FAB because they always remember to check their hair in the mirror!)


 The biggest payoff the smile on a happy shopper's face, when they find the item that's perfect for them! 

I do believe Miss Angela wins the vote of "Miss Photogenic" for this year's event!!  Doesn't she look gorgeous!

And don't forget those awesome frat boys who gladly carried the heavy stuff!

Were you there?

Remember a few posts back when I asked if anyone could guess what was up with our fingers?  I couldn't help but chuckle when I saw the photo and realized that Cassie and I greeted the guests with ORANGE fingers from marking the flea market areas with orange spray paint!  Silly us.

Friday, October 21, 2011


Fall is in the air!!

It's time for the autumn colors that we LOVE!
The pumpkin pies!
The crunchy leaves & crisp evenings!
What a fabulous show Mother nature has put on...
Aren't we LUCKY
that we get to enjoy it?!

We want to introduce you to someone else who is LUCKY!
Someone with a great smile and a fun spirit
Someone who entered the North Dakota Travel Sweepstakes...
and WON it!!

Meet Amy Patzer of Jamestown North Dakota!

Yep, she won the awesome Sweepstakes package
that was put on by the ND Tourism Department
and Country Living Magazine.

Amy was nice enough to ask her mother, Joan, to be her guest on this little adventure.

I think Joan was enjoying herself! :)

Not only did they get at attend both the Friday Night "Tickled Pink" Event
and JUNKFEST & the Flea Market on Saturday...
but they also got one nights lodging at the Carrington Inn & Suites
and a private wine tasting at the new Dakota Sun Gardens Winery.

She also got to attend some other local attractions
including a tour of a Minute Man missile site
and luxery accomodations at a cabin on the Reservoir.

It was a great little prize package
and we want to thank everyone who read about it on the blog
or saw it in Country living
and then took the time to enter!
We wish you could have ALL won!!

For the fun of it, I conducted a little interview with Amy:

What did you say when you heard you won the sweepstakes??
At first I thought it was a scam, until he asked me if I remembered signing up for the Country Living/ND Sweepstakes? I said, "Oh, you mean for Junk Fest?!" He laughed, and said that Junk Fest was one part of the prize!

What was the best thing you ate at the Fairgrounds?
I had the most amazing hamburger made with onions fried in Coca Cola!

What was the coolest thing you saw?
Hmmm, that's a tough one. There were so many neat things at Junk Fest! I just love how the talented Junk Fest girls can change junk into beautiful treasures. Dressers, tables, chairs, benches all had beautiful new finishes ready to decorate any home. I especially loved the displays and little accessories scattered throughout.

What did you think about the Main Street shops in Carrington?
We had a wonderful time shopping on Main Street. We found many unique items and the people were so friendly.

What was your most awesome purchase?
I got the cutest pumpkin made out of twigs that is sitting on my mantel now. I also bought some jewelry and a few other things, but boy oh boy, you have to be fast! The shoppers know what they want, the items are gorgeous, and everything sells out very quickly! My mom bought a very unique table that is sitting in her living room now. She also found some really neat accessories.

Are you coming back next year??
Absolutely!!! It was such a fun day!

I just wanted to say, thank you again for such a lovely prize! We had so much fun and really enjoyed our trip to Carrington. We had a nice room at Carrington Inn and Suites. We also had a fabulous time at Dakota Sun Gardens Winery! Everyone was so welcoming and friendly. I'm excited to come back next year!


Thanks, AMY...we are so glad you and your Mom enjoyed it!!
See you next year!
Until then...

Friday, October 14, 2011

A quick "Before & After"

Now that the dust has settled (I think) it's time to get down to the business of before's & after's!
Unfortunately, each new year of JunkFest produces its own brand of crazy, and getting pics of our finished products seems to fall by the wayside. Which means, also unfortunately, that I have a lot of ugly 'before' pics....and not so many 'afters.'

Such is the case with this beautiful oak table I refinished. If you can peek through the white chairs, you'll see that the top has been stained a warm walnut color, and the bottom was painted in Annie Sloan's Old White chalk paint. I used a clear Minwax finishing paste over the chalk paint and did some light distressing.

Here she is before....

This gal has some history....

That we don't even want to know about!

Clearly, some TLC was in order.

Another shot of her at JunkFest 2011....or at least the top of her anyway.

I paired her with some cute white chairs with aluminum numbers on the back (in case you forget where you were sitting).

Yes, that's it for 'after' pics. Sorry. If the sweet woman with the discerning taste who purchased
this lovely has any shots of her in her new home, we'd love to see them! Meanwhile, I'm linking up with Donna's SNS, and MMS's Furniture Feature Friday.

Thanks for stopping by!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

And More...

Just a few more pics of the displays in place for the Friday Event. Please excuse me if I've doubled up on a few!

Up next...the Evening Event...