
Thursday, June 28, 2012


Calling all junkers, artisans, and vendors of curious goods!  The 8th Annual Autumn JunkFest & Flea Market will be here
 whether we're ready or not ...before we know it! 

We're looking for vendors who want to join the frenzy that is JunkFest! Do you have any cool goods,
treasures, or trinkets that you'd like to share?

Hand crafted items welcomed!


Unusual, quirky, innovative stuff? Yep, we'll take that too!

This year's sale is Saturday, September 8th from 9am to 3pm.  For vendor contact information, click the "contact" tab on our home page.

           But hurry!  Spaces are filling fast!  Ya snooze, ya lose!

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Quirky Tablescape

Thought I'd share a simple tablescape I threw together a couple of weekends ago on short notice. Earlier this spring I received some cool vintage hair clips and curler rods and decided to incorporate them in the place settings....yep, this post is entitled "Quirky Tablescape", after all!
Love 'em!

(I'm actually thinking these would also be cool on a Christmas tree holding some vintage photo's or ornaments!)  For now, they will be wine charms!
 The clips were used to hold the napkins

I used some old file drawer dividers as "chargers" for a little industrial feel.

Love the white, burlap and tarnished silver together...

 I used a photo of each guest at their place setting.  Since my guests were all relatives, it worked well since I had  photo's of everyone.
They weren't surprised by my junky, quirky table!

Linking up today to Faded Charm - a great blog!

Monday, June 4, 2012

Etching made easy!

Hello!  It's Monday and time for a weekend project review!
 I decided to try my hand at etching.  Sweet Melissa and I took a class a couple summers ago, and I'd never tried it since.  I found some glassware at the thrift store, and realized if my idea didn't turn out, hey, I wouldn't be "out" alot of money. 
These are the glasses I found.  Aged to perfection.
After taping off the desired area for my "design" (and I use this word lightly) I added various letters, symbols and numbers from my scrapbooking stash.  No particular order, but I tried to space them about the same distance apart.
Once the stickers were on, I followed the directions on the Armor Etch Cream. The cream was applied very thick as recommended.
Like I said...put on quite thick.
Left on for about a minute, and washed off the cream in warm water...I love the way they turned out - none are the same!
They are perfect for a cocktail or an ice cream sundae - I'm lovin' them so much, I may try to do more!