Now on to the real reason I'm posting. Or more like...the real reason I haven't been! It's countdown time! The JunkGirls are crunching to create a wonderful array of goods for JunkFest 2009. We've hunted and gathered and now it's time to take those "treasures" we've found and restore their beauty! Or perhaps give them a funky touch too. :-) But in order to do that we need TOOLS!! Lots and lots of tools. Here are a few of my faves:
This is a gift from Sweet Man-O-Mine. It's a cordless circular saw!
And this little driver will be handy to get into those spots my larger drill won't fit in to. I haven't tried it yet because its...
Here's a better view of the sneak peek I showed you here. So sorry I teased you with partial pictures. heehee