Plans are under way for JunkFest 2010, and it's going to be the best year yet! The JunkFest Girls have been on the hunt for the best JUNK ever. We're always on the lookout for the goods and thrive in taking your old, undesired "stuff" and breathing life back into it. So when you least expect it....POOF...there we'll be, scoping out the sales, scouring the curb and well...the rest are secrets...shhh!
POOF! Here I am...isn't that the coolest sign holder ever? And I couldn't resist a little photo editing! This baby will soon be a chalkboard and will hold many an important message, I'm sure!

On a recent "quickie" junk trip to one of our fave shops, my junk sister Cassie and I happened upon a few garage sales. **Andrea and Lynette were unable to join us :( ** Well being the Thiftomaniacs that we are OF COURSE WE STOPPED AND SHOPPED. One sweet gentleman, selling off his overflow of tools was unaware of what the day had in store for him!

You see, SweetMelissa had one main goal, and that was to score some old lockers to make Sweet Man-O-Mine a cabinet for all his man-stuffs. Well...Mr. Sweet Gentleman had an awesome set of 5 , count em...5, old lockers!! They weren't exactly for sale though. That really wasn't going to stop us now, was it!!? So we asked if he would part with his lockers, and with a disbelieving chuckle said: "If you girls think you can load those heavy lockers, they're yours for 20 bucks!" Silly Man. Silly, silly man.

Doesn't he know we're JUNK GIRLS!?!? We had a dolley in tow, a large trailer, and we were already sweaty. So we proceeded to shimmy and roll...being ever so careful of their fresh new blacktop driveway (mostly because his wife was having a coronary!) We could have gotten them, I'm sure, but a nice middle aged neighbor man stopped by and joined in on the shimmy and roll game we were playing.
Pretty sure he might have inadvertently gotten a look down my shirt as we were juggling the 100's+ pound lockers into the trailer. Uhm, yeah, pretty sure. Now mind you...there's nothing fabulous to see there! But when we offered him something for his kindness and assistance he said, "Oh no! It was MY pleasure" . Oh. My. I guess we'll chalk THAT one up to the occasional cost of good help!
Did you ever wish you could look into and object and see it's history? Do you think "Dave and Karan (with an "a") still like each other?

The lockers have been prepped and painted.

I love the new khaki color and it will go wonderfully with the rest of the PLAN I have for them. Yes, I have something grand in store for these and my inspiration is from something Lynette's son created for last year's JunkFest. Can't wait to get them done and share with you!!!