Saturday, December 4, 2010

Snowflake Clock Whipped Up

I posted this clock in my Favorite Things post. Now take a close look you see a difference?

I had thrown the clock together quite quickly for the other post but today I decided I just wasn't completely happy with it. It's still a bit thrown together but has a better overall appearance now.

It all started when I spied in a store window a snowflake ornament that had 12 points on the snowflake. I had vowed to not buy ANY new decorations this year...oops. The snowflake was $10, with 20 percent off that. I bought 2.

I knew I wanted to make a snowflake clock for my mantel but this was much easier than trying to cut a snowflake out of anything, and it already had a hole in the center. I took apart a clearance rack clock that's been sitting around waiting for a facelift. It was easier than I thought cause all you have to do is unscrew the little gold nut from the stem of the clock (and take off the hands).

I didn't want to bother cutting a wood piece to fill the hole in the snowflake to the necessary size for the clock part so I just layered pieces of carboard from a pop box till I had the right thickness. Cut a hole in the center for the clock part to go through.

Then I layered a circle from a diet Coke box (cause it was a silver color), a piece of black and white checkered scrapbook paper, and a circle cut from a gift bag that was similar to vellum paper. I spray adhesived those three layers together, cut a hole in the center, and put the clock pieces back together.

I had taped the back of the clock part in place while I worked on it.

Not a fancy pro job on this but it will hold together until after the holidays when I'm ready to reinvent the clock again. Here's a peek at my mantel...the fireplace and mantel are almost ready for Show and Tell...

Linked to:

The DIY Show Off

Now... a little off subject. What would you do with inspiration like this???? Check back tomorrow night to see what I did!!


  1. Okay, who says its not "time" for snow? This is great!

  2. This is darling!
    be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  3. Super cute idea! Love unconventional clocks!
    This fits the bill! FUn!

  4. Wow~ way to get your Martha on! Very cool idea!

  5. Creative! I would have never thought to decorate a holiday clock!!! I would be honored to have you add it to my blog party

    Amaze Me Monday Blog Party

  6. great holiday clock...
    just stopped by from cottage instincts.

  7. Wow, beautifully done! Love that clock! Thanks for sharing!

  8. I LOVE that clock, very unique and pretty! ~Liz

  9. Well it's certainly unique and quite adorable!

  10. I love your snowflake clock. How about doing a 12 days til chrismas next year. You would have to leave out the battery and move it manualy. All sorts of possibilities. Merry Christmas.

  11. Love the clock idea.. I have just the perfect snowflake to carry that out myself. Great idea.

  12. Your clock is lovely...and your ideas were great! Happy holidays!

  13. What a cute idea! We would love for you to share at Fancy This Fridays at Truly Lovely!

  14. Very unique! Thank you for linking up to "Amaze Me Monday" blog party. Hope to see you next week!


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