Did you ever just step back and take a good look at the SHAPE of an object? It's often the shape that gives a piece character...

As I sit here
washing away my gray doing yoga... I decided to share a cute little thing I saw earlier this evening. While working on some goodies for JunkFest, and wearing the ugliest, but "easiest to slip on" shoes, I happened to notice the adorable footprint these ugly little shoes leave behind!

(Now wouldn't it be grand if every footprint we make on this earth were as adorable?) It just goes to show that if you judge by what's on the surface instead of what may be hiding underneath...you might miss out on something fabulous!

Our junk projects aren't always beautiful when we start with them either. Some worse than others. But we pull up our sleeves, get to work, and bring them back from doom to the point where they can move on to a new home and start a new set of footprints.

This bedroom set isn't starting ugly at all, like some projects do, but is tired and ready for a much needed facelift.

You'll have to come to JunkFest to see the results!

Speaking of JunkFest. You've probably noticed our absense lately. We've been working on some goodolejunk, and taking calls from vendors. The Tickled Pink Event is sold out so I hope to see many of you on September 17th!
Just look at that factory-of-sorts that you have going on there! Busy busy! We have...like...how many hours...before the gates open?
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