
Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Brrr.... it's a nasty -33 below or so here in the heart of North Dakota (thermometer kinda gave up a few degrees ago). What better time to introduce ourselves to the world wide web of BLOG! So......HERE WE ARE!!!! :) Wow, it's about time. WE are the JunkFest Girls, hosting an annual sale to share our repurposed, reinvented, reborn finds with the world. We are eager to get to know you better and hope to find some great new junk friends in the process. Awe, junk. Yes that's the word we love. We dream it, live it, thrive on it. There are four of us and we will do our best to bring you some of our "junky" ideas, our awesome finds, and share some of our adventures...and misadventures, in the quest for cool, funky, vintage, trashy, one of a kind, sweet, sweet JUNK. I hope you enjoy following along and we'll be looking forward to hearing from you soon! SweetMelissa


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I think the work that you guys do is amazing! It's so good to breath life back into "junk" :)

    *xo to my aunt cass!*


  3. Hurray! Welcome to the wonderful world of blogging! You're going to have such a blast with this...I just know it!


  4. Great site. I cannot believe how much you have collected. I am way behind. I've got a lot of junkin' to do.


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