
Thursday, February 19, 2009

MIA....Have you seen this boy?

Last seen in the early morning hours of 9/23/06, sitting in a fishing boat eagerly awaiting JunkFest shoppers. "Sambo" was wearing chippy red pants, a dirty yellow shirt, no shoes and a painted on smile. While Sambo never spoke much, he was our rock. As our mascot, he pointed the way for those out-of-towners looking for great junk treasures. His disappearance remains an unsolved mystery. Unfortunately, computerized images showing what he might look like today indicate that he probably has not aged in appearance; however, our fears are concrete: that his life has been shattered, crumbled beyond recognition. If you have any information regarding the where-abouts of our beloved friend, please contact local law enforcement or call 1-800-SAVE-SAMBO. Won't you please help bring Sambo back to JunkFest?


  1. Ummm.... I have bad news. I think I might have seen in the back of a cement recycler. Alas, I did not know he was missing or I would have called the cement police. You are all in my prayers at this pulverizing time.

  2. Jenny, I greatly appreciate your condolences. I only hope that the culprits accidentally dropped Sambo on their toes! He was quite heavy....

  3. Tears instantly came to my eyes in seeing this post - I miss this little guy! Where, oh where, are you Sambo?!!

  4. I'll put out a SAMBO alert for the Pacific Northwest... you never know where the kidnappers may have traveled.


  5. His only crime was being WAY TOO CUTE...poor thing, I hope he's being well taken care of.

    Cassie, you are hilarious! I can just see you cracking yourself up as you wrote this post!

  6. dang it anyway

    I had me a little sambo back in heart was his

  7. Really...seriously...somebody took the little guy? Always some fun suckers in the bunch, isn't there!

  8. I hate to admit it, but that sounds like something I would have done in HS! (but we always returned everything)
    And what a fun blog you have!! Thanks for coming by mine :)

  9. Cassie you are so fun to have had a Sambo in your life...always remember the good times! Hi Andrea, thanks for stopping by my site... your Kind words are greatly appreciated.

  10. Today is a very big day in the Where’s Wenda? Contest. I am visiting all of the SITS followers. Can I do it? There are around 1000 followers. Oh my! Better grab my cup of coffee and get on my way. Be sure to visit Hot Chocolate Caramel Mocha and Three Bay B Chicks as part of your contest entry.



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