
Sunday, March 15, 2009

Speak to me JUNK...

After any junk jaunt, we junkers find ourselves standing amongst what appears to be a "pile of junk". What to do. What to do. Now, mind you, this "pile" might be a little less than desirable when we first get it home. Finished product? Far from it. Clean? Nope. what? What do we do with all these things?

Well, I personally stand there for a while and stare at the pile. I shift occasionally to put my weight on the other foot. Cross my arms and put my hair behind my ears to think better. Nope, didn't work. Okay...move a couple things. New perspective. Nope, that didn't work either. Go in the house and eat some chocolate, drink some coffee, check e-mails. Head back out to take another look at the pile. Anything???? Okay, I know what the problem is. I can't decide what to do with this stuff. It has to speak to ME!!

SPEAK TO ME, DEAR JUNK! Then, in the blink of an eye....the creative juices start to flow, ideas and possibilities are flying through the air!
Time to dig in. Sort first. Each piece of junk starts showing its individual personality, its potential. Clean, scrub, scrape, saw, glue, clamp, cut, sand, strip, stain, prime, paint, sand again, wax, poly, so on, so forth. (And...the junk and I reserve the right to change our minds at any time about the process and the intended end result...BwaHaaHaaHa!)

Some junk finds are great as they are, little effort needed. Some need a bit more attention. They've fulfilled their former life and have been discarded, sold, given up on, or simply set free from their previous owners. They might simply need a face lift. OR, they might need an entirely new personality, a new purpose. Here are just a few pieces of junk that have spoken to me. I had a blast getting them to their "new" reason for being. Okay, I'll be honest, some of them took a bit of effort, back-breaking effort....ooof. But it's all worth it in the end. Seeing the finished product is great...but seeing a customer light up when they see something they that's the ultimate reward.
Cute little coffee table...I think there's a life left in this one...

A little blood, sweat and tears...from "dear friend"....
A few special treatments...and WaaLaa! Pretty!Now, what do you do with an antique mirror frame??? Speak to me!!!I heard it say in a tiny squeaky voice..."make me into a fireplace!" What do you think?Wow. What can I say. This cute little cupboard has been given a bit too much attention.Some elbow grease, some paint, and a little "less" paint. Cute as a button!I just love these vintage stereo cabinets.Now I love it even more!!!


  1. Love what you did to the cabinet radio. That's gorgeous.

  2. Gosh you are talented! Do you ever watch that show called Junk Brothers? It's kind of interesting but I definitely love your style more.

  3. Looks like when the junk speaks to you, you're listening pretty darn well! Love that stereo cabinet redo.

    AKA Junk Sophisticate

  4. Ahh the junk pile. We bring home a lot of those too. What people must think. Our family will stop by and look at the pile and sometimes I wonder what they are really thinking. But then they are transformed. I love your creations and the junk pile too! Beautiful, happy junking. jojo

  5. Good Lord! Thank you for NOT posting the top half of the shot of me peeling linoleum off your table! Um...have you repaid me for that yet?

  6. Ah...good ole creative process...and progress....

    You are the angel of all-things-in-need-of-love, Sweet Melissa! ;-) And your final works are awe-inspiring.

  7. Great redos-- I love listening to old furniture--it really does speak to you. If it gives me the silent treatment too long, I kick it out of the house!

  8. you are really, really amazing. I have GOT to introduce you to my sister. You two would become BFF'S in a HEARTBEAT!!!

  9. Melissa - you did that pile of "junk" proud! I love the two cabinets - very clever!!! You "interpreted" the language of junk to perfection... I've got an old dresser piece similar to yours - that's been in my basement for almost 5 years - I think it's been "screaming" at I deaf or what?? Gotta get busy on that one.

    I would love to come and hang out with you guys...why is Ohio so far away??? :)

  10. Wow!!! I love all of it. Wish I could come to your Junk Fest! Don't be surprised if I show up sometime. Awesome ideas.
    Funky Junk Sister #2

  11. Wow! Great job on those 'finds'.

    Know the others will be just as beautiful!!
    Barbara Jean


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