
Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Andrea's Top Ten Obsessions:

10) glass cloches!
9) grates
8) ANYTHING rusty...
7) birds/nests (must be a spring thing)
6) scales
5) hydrangeas (summer is when?)
4) glass cloches - love 'em!
3) lamps (I own 847)
2) topiaries (any size or shape)

and my #1 new obsession:

1) glass cloches (oh, did I mention that already?)


  1. Hey Andrea! Did you know if you turn a wine glass upside down, it looks like a cloche? Ha! Don't ask me how I know that one!

  2. Was it perhaps because your wine glass went empty?? Does that ever happen to you, Andrea?

  3. You should know me by now, junk wine glass is NEVER empty!

  4. Andrea - love your displays (the lamp base is very cool) - saw them at the JunkMarktetStyle site too - so thought I'd peek and see what else you were obsessed about - I have just a "few" things I'm obsessed with as well..pottery (stopped counting at 100...), mirrors, vintage Christmas things, old "beachy" oil paintings...ok - better stop - I'm afraid it's more than ten - so will save that for another "blogging day"! Love your style (and your blog) - you girls are just awesome!!

  5. I love the one with the corks! You have great arrangements! Angie

  6. Thanks for the great ideas. I bought my mother a glass cloche (which I didn't even know it was called that until now) for Christmas and I've been trying to help her come up with ideas for what to do with it. I'll pass these ideas on to her.

  7. Andrea, I so love all your cloches! You display them so beautifully! I especially love the lamp base. I'm gonna have to keep my eye out for one of those!


  8. 847 lamps?!?!! That is a total obsession.
    And I didn't know those glass domes were known as cloches either. Now I know what to ask for to go with the pinecone base I found at Goodwill for $2.
    I think it's a good idea for each of you to list your top 10 obsessions. Or did I miss a post somewhere? That would help some of us out with our decision making process, Sweet Melissa!

  9. Cloches deserve 3 spots! I'm right there with you on that one.


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