
Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Objects in mirror are closer than they appear.

Objects in mirror ARE closer than they appear. Do you see what's following me? Shhhh....don't tell my junk sistahs or they'll make ME drive next time. (oops, I bet they read this...)

Anyway, my Sweet Man-o-Mine thought it was about time I invest in a trailer. I think it was his way of saying he's tired of having to tote around in a vehicle full of treasures...only that's not really what he calls them! We traded off my junk mobile recently and thought we'd give this a try. It's not a monster size trailer but will hold a good share of junk when cleverly arranged. I think I need to do some junkin' now...if only winter would go away!!


  1. Backing up is not my gift! I backed over our light post last summer. Are you girls doing okay with flooding?

  2. Ahhh yes! I got myself a trailer a few years ago. I certainly have more friends now! haha You'll love having it! ~Mindy

  3. If I can do it....YOU can do it!! Let's go!

  4. I am so envious! My husband does keep insisting that I need to buy one so I should just take the plunge and do it. I'm not sure I could control myself if I had one though!

  5. Hello, thats exactly what I need. Lucky Girl. Hey can you tell me what City and State Junk Fest is in?
    Have a good one

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Let me try leaving a comment again - geez! I am SO excited we'll now have TWO trailers to take on our junk jaunts...right?! LOL! Congrats on the trailer!

    Julie (Kindred Spirit Soap Co.) - Junk Fest is in Carrington, North Dakota. Our next sale is on Sat., September 12, 2009!

  8. Hy,wath car are from this mirros?thank´s


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