
Saturday, April 18, 2009

COMMENT...I dare you!!!

It's Prom time! Would you believe that three of the four JunkGirls have a son going to prom tonight??!! We all have sons the same age in the same grade and I would bet chances are slim to none that we'll ever see them all dressed up in tuxes and cuff links at the same time again! (Except maybe at next years prom.) ...and Lynette was the bravest MOM...taking on the task of organizing the event!! I just know it will be fabulous!

Now, on to the meaning of my title...since discovering and entering the world of blog, the four of us couldn't be more giddy! We can't wait to get to a computer at all times of the day and night just to check for a new post from each other. And the best part...the sweet comments we get. We watch the real time ticker and are in awe at the hits from literally all over! And we just added our hit counter a couple weeks ago and it amazes us how many new hits there are every day. Evidently we aren't the only ones eager to get to our computers!

Now, I'd like to throw out a challenge...I see all those locations and the curiosity kills me....I would love to hear from more of you and lets be friends. Tell me a little about yourselves. Do you have a junk sale, a booth, a store? Or do you just love junk??? Can't wait to hear from you!!!


  1. Okay, I guess I'll start. I'm Robin, from Cape Coral (Ft Myers) FL. I live with my husband,Todd and our 2 grown kids, Chad and Elizabeth. I am a junk lover! My passion is to go junking and see what I can find! I collect Libby vintage glassware..all from thrift stores, of course.

  2. Hey ladies!

    Glad to see ya'll are all doing well and having fun getting ready for Prom! We got "2" through it years ago...and now our "baby" is in his Freshman year (so we still have one more year...and then no more proms until our grandbabies!

    Take care and have a beautiful weekend!


  3. Hi Girls,
    I am a California girl, transplanted in Nebraska! I love farm land and barns and the beach. If only I could put them all in the same place!
    I have a little store (500 square feet, little) that I hold seasonal open houses. We have been in business 16 years! That means I'm getting old!! We rescue junk & furniture, make things and do some market ordering. I am also a Para in Special Education. I have two boys and a great husband who is my partner in crime. He makes and re-purposes all the furniture for the shop. This blogging world is new to me also, and I think it could be a full time job checkin' out all the wonderful sites. I enjoy your blog, maybe I can make it to one of your shows sometime.
    Be Happy,

  4. Hi I'm Jenny. An old rural gal from NE Ohio now transplanted to the big city of Mesa, AZ. New roasting clime, local roads bigger then the freeways back "home", despairing lack of lilacs and peonies. BUT the most amazing, astonishing garage and estate sales ever. You can find everything and anything at them. And they run all year round. I left an 1813 farm house in house that was be-decked with recycles, refurbished and repurposed cool stuff to now live in a much more traditional 40 year old house (and husband) I'm slowly moving him toward recognizing rust and peeling paint as an art form. But it's a fun journey. You can visit me on my blog and see a few of my latest garage sale finds - but I am definitely nowhere near the masters your group is. I admire you all.

  5. guys know me from my blog and junkmarketstyle... I'm just a couple months into blogging, but am loving it and the great people I'm "meeting".

    I've been a junker (pretty much my whole life) - starting with collecting Avon bottles and rocks - and always trying to talk my Grandma out of something... I started garage sale-ing in the 70s...(long time ago), and haven't stopped - that's why my house is stuffed full (and my husband says we can never move - it'd be way too much work)! My friend Terri and I have been selling at fleamarkets and antique shows for the last six years (and having a blast), and doing lots of trash to treasure work in our very own workshop. We're hoping to make it our "day job" one of these days! We take girl trips (junkets) with a couple of our friends every summer - and are always looking for a new place to invade!

    I love your blog and look forward to what you're all up to next!!! And, still hoping for the junkfest girls to make a trip east...!

    Have a great junking week!

  6. Hi, Melissa! Love seeing what you all are up to! I don't have any kids going to Prom this year, but it was a lot of fun when my son was going! It was great to finally meet you girls when you were down for the Buffalo occasional sales. You all are a lot of fun, just like your blog!

    I know you are familiar with me and where I'm from and what I do, but for any of your blog readers who don't, I have my own business, Cottage Elements. I consign at the Round Barn Potting Co. in Andover, MN and share a spot at the Buffalo Nickel in Buffalo, MN. I am also going to be part of an occasional sale in Anoka, MN called the French Flea.
    I am a contributor on and have my own blog at

    Keep up with the great postings girls! Thanks again!


  7. So nice to hear from all of you...and get to know you better. Blogland is like catching up with old friends. So fun! Thanks for commenting!

  8. Hi Melissa,
    I'm Sue from Orlando,Fl. I'm just a junker and a new blogger. I think about starting a blog but haven't had the nerve yet. Maybe someday. I enjoy your blog.


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