
Thursday, April 23, 2009

Really? Us? An award?

The wonderful ladies over at Funky Junk Sisters have presented us with our very first award! A big thanks to Linda Albers and Dixie DeRocher for this huge compliment! If you've never seen their blog before, head on over there now and take a look.

Like everything in life there are rules to this award! And here they are:

1) List 7 things you love.

2) Link to the person/blog that sent you the award.

3) Choose 7 more bloggers to pass the award to.

4) Comment on those 7 blogs to let the recipients know you've chosen them.

Here are the seven things we love:

1. Our faithful followers....LOVE, LOVE, LOVE you!

2. Rust!

3. Chippy, time-worn patinas.

4., garage, occasional sales, flea markets....

5. Polyurethane.

6. Chocolate....and of course wash it down.

7. The unconditional love and support we've come to rely on from our bras, families, and volunteers that help us to make it all happen!

Hard as we try, sometimes we just can't stick to the rules! There are so many bloggers out there that we love, we couldn't limit ourselves to just seven! Here are just a few we love:

1. Candy at Junk Sophisticate

2. Gretchen at Mimi Toria's Designs

3. Lani at Cottage Elements

4. Theresa at Time Worn Interiors

5. Kathy at Sylvia's Vintage Daughter

6. Darcie at Quilting by Darcie

7. Urban Farmhouse

8. Layla at The Lettered Cottage

9. Mindy at Primitiques 'N Poetry

Please be sure to check out each of these sites....they've been great inspiration to us!


  1. Congrats ladies! Your first award is well deserved! Thank you for your endless amount of projects and awesome finds that depict some of the best junk style around!

    I gladly accept this award from you and appreciate it very much.

    Take care and keep on junking!
    AKA Junk Sophisticate

  2. Cassie, you and your friend girls rock! Congrats on winning. And thanks so much for tapping me. I've already picked it up. Just looked at the Funky Junk Sisters. Aren't they fun??? Thanks again! ~Mindy

  3. Howdy ladies!

    First, thanks for stoppin' by the yaya! And congrats on the awards---very well deserved!

    Keep on junkin....xo...deb

  4. Thanks guys for the award! You gals rock! Spent some time at the new shop today, setting up and its looking good. Going back in on Monday to set up my jewelry and set out the rest of my smalls.
    I will have to post and figure out the award tomorrow, since I forgot Cassie had sent me an award and didn't have time to read it earlier. I had just posted a new blog post too, so will wait now and do it either tomorrow or on Monday. Going to the cabin for the week-end.
    Hopefully, Spring has sprung on North Dakota as well. You girls are very well deserved of all awards presented to you.

  5. Congrats on the award ladies!! So well deserved and I'm sure this is just the first of many!!

  6. Congratulations on your award. It's like getting a big ol' hug isn't it?

  7. Congrats on your award - you girls are so full of fun and junk inspiration!

    And, I'd like to thank the Academy...I mean the junkfest girls for following my blog and loving my stuff too - it's mutual!!

    Now...gotta get busy with passing it on - should be posted in a few days (I'm just a little behind...)!


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