
Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Junk Trip Re-visited

As most of you Junk Fest blog followers are aware, we four girls took an April junk trip and found some really cool loot. Much of it will be repurposed and sold at this year's Junk Fest sale. In looking over my pictures today, I thought I'd blog about a few others I took....a few cool things left behind...some food eaten, new friendships get the picture.

This wheel deal would be so cool on a patio, don't you think?Not sure what this is, but I thought it was neat...lots of drawers for holdin' stuff!Grates, grates and more grates...
I loved these old golf clubs! After I got home I was sorry I hadn't bought them. They would have been really cool in either of my sons' bedrooms as drapery rods. Darn it!!
Here is Lynette with our new jewelry/junk blogging friend, Gretchen! She is one talented girl. Check out her jewelry and much more at!Missy took this picture of me...holding an artichoke...yeah...just me being silly, I guess.We all loved this booth...and we wanted to buy everything in it. Missy and Lynette are holding their favorite things...Did I mention the food on this trip was GREAT?! Chicken salad piled high on homemade bread...cheesecake and pie along with a to-die-for salad...gotta keep up that much needed energy for junkin!Bergstrom's Home Furnishings! Okay, this is just a fun one thrown in on my behalf. My maiden name is Bergstrom...I HAD to take a picture when I saw this! I'm weird. My friends know it.Cassie seems to be checkin' out a price tag...oh man...was there ever cool stuff in this place.Once Cassie saw her, there was no way she was letting her go!


  1. I love the multi drawer piece. Looks like lots of fun! I can't wait to see your pics from Zapp Hall this fall in Warrenton...hint hint...~Mindy

  2. Oh, are funny! was like being on our trip all over again! Let's do that again soon. Or should we just start working on our own stuff? Hmmm...

  3. I have to say, the pictures are a nice reminder of a great trip with wonderful friends! (I really liked the "other" picture of Cassie and Marguerite)

  4. Fun stuff, ladies! You had me at the multi-drawer thing. ;)

    AKA Junk Sophisticate

  5. Great pictures, I'm still sad that I got called away and missed all the multi - drawer unit is waiting your return.

  6. Hey Andrea - What a fun post. I felt like it was with you on the whole trip. Finally a decent picture of me, and with my new found friend, Lynette.
    I recognized so many of those places that you featured in your photos. How fun!
    Was such a pleasure to meet you four girls. I feel like we've been friends forever, and I mean that in a great way.

  7. we can not deny that junk food can be delicious and catch our attention specially when we go out with some relatives or friends. But the junk food can be harmful for our welfare or health, resulting in a obesity or even affecting our sexual development. So the relation ships are affected too. We need to change eating habits,start exercising frequently and if you have erectil dysfunctions the better alternative could be buy viagra. But the most important thing is take care our health.

  8. I think the obesity is very danger for everybody, is like a pump that can explot any time. So is necesary to take care exercising and taking good and healthy food and stop eating junk food for ever!!!!. The life is too short, so we need to take care of us every single day for enjoy the things that the life gave to us. I bought my house through costa rica homes for sale and i enjoy it every day.


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