
Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Rusty repurpose!

First, just let me start by saying: "shame, shame, all over my name!" Those were my first thoughts as I opened the door to my "junk house" today. You see, I'm fortunate enough to live on a farm (been a farm girl all my life) and we have some sweet out buildings. This one in particular is an old homesteader house that was moved to our farm years and years ago, and used for a variety of things...even a granary. After I witnessed it sit empty for sooo long...unclaimed by neither the hubby or the children....I declared this fine old home to be my own! Why the shame? Well, after I cleaned out years of dirt, dust and cobwebs, I had a couple windows put in and a better door, and wired in some flood lights. This was SUPPOSED to be my new workshop. Hahahahahahahahaha. It didn't take the packrat in me long and I had it too full to work in. Come to think of it...I really don't see a problem with that! :) These are just pictures from's been WAY more full at times. My junk sisters just rolled their eyes and made that sound with their tongues (tsk, tsk) and told me I need not shop for any more junk. Hahahahahaha. That's half the fun!

If you notice in the picture with the aqua colored bentwood chair...a tube shaped rusty thingamajig. After I got done laughing at my self for not conquering this overstuffed house of junk, I looked at that rusty piece and had one of those Aha moments.

I rinsed it off and brought it in the house, grabbing a few shoe forms to balance it on.
Do you know what this fine rusty specimen was in it's former life? I'm pretty sure I do (okay, hubby gave me a few hints). After I get a few guesses I'll add my answer to the check back and see!!


  1. I don't know about the rusty "before," but the "after" is great! I covet your junk house!

  2. Flippin' cute sweet girl, but you know how much I love RUST and a great are one smart cookie!

  3. What a fun rusty junk project you came up with. I too am coveting that cool junk house. I think you should take over another building for your junk and turn this into a guest house for us Minnesotans to come visit. lol
    Have a great day!

  4. Okay, I gotta say one more you know how ADORABLE this rusty round thingy would look on your table with mini white and orange pumpkins, gords and fall leaves - ? - ! Geez...the possiblities are endless! AND the shoe forms?! PERFECT. Okay, I better get back to work now!


  6. WAY cool! You could change it with the seasons too. Was it part of a stove in it's former life?

  7. Love the candle creation! Oh so farm junk chic. You are not alone with the packrat syndrome. We seriously couldn't even walk through parts of our barn. We need to do some weeding out! Happy Junking!! jojo

  8. A lust for rust, eh? (How come when I thay that I hear mythelf hav a lithp?)

    Love it love it! Gotta be something for a thtove...I mean stove pipe or auger or something cylindrical. I'd call hubby in here and ask him just so that I could appear to be a smart farmgirl and all...but I don't like him standing over my shoulder, telling me what's what.

    I think someday when my guys are all away from the farm, you should come over and have a scavenger hunt with me. Maybe I'd learn to actually find some use for some of this (crap)!

    Happy weekend, Sweet Melissa!!! Love ya, girlfriend!

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  10. I said I would reveal what "I" think this is. (or at least what my hubby thinks) I honestly don't recall where I found this rusty piece but we think it might have been an air filter for a tractor or combine, and that has been burnt. It's not sooty, but has obviously weathered and is simply rusty now. If we're right the fact it was in a fire would explain it's fragile state.

    Thanks for all the comments...and the guesses!!


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