
Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Diamond in the rough!

There are just some things that would scare almost anyone away. Take this mirror for example...thick with mold and crud. Not a breath of life left in this one. Right? Wrong. I tend to look beyond the crud, and thought this old mirror and frame deserved another chance. And even to MY surprise...I found a diamond in the rough. Here's the before.Here's the after. After a few waves with my magic wand. The silver is in poor shape on the back of the mirror, causing it to take on a true vintage personality...which makes me love it even more.Here are a few more treasures I've acquired recently.

Now, I don't know much about waffle makers (and please excuse the fact this is not clean!) but I just think this is the darn cutest little thing!

What thrifty treasures have you found lately? Check out some great stuff at I Love Yardsales with Rhoda of Southern Hospitality.


  1. Wow! You have really found some FAB things Missy! I'm headed to ma and pa's this weekend so hope to pick up some junk along the way and while I'm there!

    Okay...I want the mirror, columns, scales, small church bench, clocks...

  2. Oh, I love all your treasures! Such great vintage things.

  3. Awesome mirror, and you got a lot of other great treasures!!

    Barbara Jean

  4. Wow, put me on the list for the mirror and the small church bench too! What an eye you have! Just cool, cool stuff.

  5. ........ all of it makes me scream!

    i've gotta book my ticket to come home for JUNKFEST! :)

  6. OMG! All of this is so stinkin' YUMMY! Love it! I wanted to stop by and tell you about my Junk Party and giveaway..head on over to my blog to get more details and tell everyone you know (or, you can just grab the badge/button!) Don't forget to leave some love and hope to see you back again next week with some of your awesome junk creations! You guys rock-hard!

  7. Love the mirror transformation!
    Before reading all these fabulous blogs I would have looked past it but not anymore.
    I am continually inspired to find beauty in everything!

  8. Thanks for stopping by my blog and for leaving a comment. Appreciate you checking out Shannon's blog and your encouragement to her. She seems like a great gal and quite a talented mixed media artist that I've met through bloggin.
    I'm still hoping to make Junkfest, but our sale is that week-end too, so not sure that it willw ork out. And the Junk Bonanza follows that sale week-end. Not sure yet if I'll be prepared enough to be able to go.
    The mirror magic, surely worked. Its beautiful now! Love the two short style columns too, as well as the rest of your great finds. I've sold 2 of these type of scales you have at my the new shop and 1 black/brass baby scale as well. Scales sell quite well to Junkers.
    Nice finds.
    My treasures lately were about 14 vintage cool glass Christmas ornaments for $5 w/basket. Now that is really looking ahead into the future. lol Buy the stuff when you find it!

  9. You are a junkin' girl after my own heart. I am having a BLOGmance with your blog. Happy Sunday.

  10. Wow!

    I know that I shouldn't be. But I am: Amazed. You certainly are in your element, aren't you!


  11. I saw you at the auction, and it took me awhile to put a name with a face till I checked out the website. Right away I recognized the mirrors (that you got from the guy who wanted the leaded glass!) Plus there were other things that had my eye at the auction that I see you got (recognized the plant/candle stand too - I was the one that asked if it was heavy!). Will be curious to see what you do with Balzer's boxing gloves!!

  12. Hey, Anonymous! Glad to hear from you and so glad you checked out our blog. I think I remember you but seriously I was so busy shshshivering that I'm not sure. I know I handed out a few cards and must have given you one. I do want you and others to know though...I don't at any time ever intend to purposely take junk away from another junk lover, and I hope I didn't offend you in any way if I bid against you. I hope instead, that I've peaked your curiousity for JunkFest! And hope you come this year and introduce yourself to me. (have you been to our sale before?)

    There was some seriously fun stuff at that auction and I really wanted to take alot more home but only had so much cargo space. Some of my new "junk" is in need of major repair but I will do my best to prepare it for a new life with a new owner. As for the boxing gloves...I will probably just clean and shine them up...they just had such sweet vintage appeal I couldn't resist!

    Maybe we'll run into each other around town again. Take care! Missy

  13. Ohhh I'm totally coming over and stealing those mirrors! You sure know my weakness. :)

    Thanks for linking up to SNS!
    FJ Donna

  14. You have a great eye for treasures.

  15. Great finds! Auctions are my addiction!
    Cindy at Lakewood

  16. Makes me think I should have gone to the local auction today! I don't think I have any more room in the garage though!


  17. Wow.... i love that mirror! Score!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  18. Very cool! Good for you for seeing past the dirty exterior! :)

  19. I LOVE LOVE LOVE all your "junk"...especially the mirror. I need to find a chemical compound to "antique" the silver on my mirror in my dining room. Or I guess I could always remove the mirror and leave it outside for a year or two...LOL

  20. The mirror is wonderful, but then I always figure the more crusty something is, the better it wll be when it's restored, right? I have several foxed mirrors also, and don't mind in the least that the reflection isn't so good anymore. Can't see my wrinkles, you know.
    Thanks for sharing this makeover!

    Blessings ~ Eileen @ Star's Fault

  21. You found such treasures! I never find anything like that around here!


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