
Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Favorite scents....part 2

The sequel to my favorite scents....the list could go on and on, but I'll not bore you with any more after these! I maybe should have had this first one posted earlier this spring, but spring wasn't what it should have been this year! Are you ready? I LOVE the smell freshly turned dirt! Must be my country roots, but newly dug fields tell me it's time to get my garden gloves out and scratch the dirt in my flower beds as well.

This favorite is also seasonal and we're right in the thick of it...cut grass! Am I strange? Do you like the smell of cut grass as well? How about alfalfa or freshly mowed ditches, which will come a little later this summer and into fall. Again, must be the country roots...

Now I know you'll understand this one.....COFFEE! I have always loved the smell of coffee, even though I didn't start drinking it until after college.

Now that I've got my grass cut and my flower beds all planted, it's time to put the coffee on and get to work on junk! Don't coffee at JunkFest! Hope to see you there!


  1. I don't like coffee, but LOVE the smell!! Yes, and grass, dirt, fresh air, etc...must be the COUNTRY girl upbringing in us! Now, get to work on that junk, woman!! LOL!

  2. I grew up in Southern California... and my city girl roots loves the smell of the ocean! After moving to Nebraska I found that I love the smell of cows! (Not the feed lots!) Just a bunch of cows grazing in the pastures. If I could have a farm stead, with an old red barn, next to the ocean I would be in heaven! Now, I have to get working on some junk myself!
    Have a good day!

  3. Cassie -
    The smell I'm loving the most right now is the fields filled with the mint crops.....LOVE it!!
    Have a great day

  4. Believe it or not, the smell of horses and cows appeals to me as well....just didn't want to admit it! The ocean? Oh that smell too! And I have yet to smell fields of mint, but it sounds divine!

  5. My favorite all-time scent is the smell of a babies hair and neck. Awwww.... but I love the smell of fresh cut grass, my rose garden in the morning, tomato vines, and rain! Free coffee at Junkfest? Oh geez, now I really, really, really have to try and come! Yea, but are you having that nasty powdered creamer or the real deal? ha!

  6. i ♥ the pic of you cass.


    i love dirt and coffee too.

    (what if i ACTUALLY made it to JUNKFEST?) :)

  7. Ahh...the fresh cut grass has always been a favorite of mine. And the smell just after it rains, no air freshener can duplicate that one for what it really is.

    Mmmmm...and coffee!

    Hey, Jenny, if you can make it to JunkFest we'll have a pitcher of real live creamer especially for you!

  8. Mmmmmmm... coffee! I'm an addict! :)

  9. I'm loving the smell of my peonies in my vase on the kitchen counter and on my desk at work...they won't last for much longer so I have been mindful of them and smell them every chance I get.


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