
Friday, July 10, 2009

It's a bird, it's a plane, it's a...(you fill in the blank)

At first glance, I walked right by this rusty old piece. I need to explain that it had gadgets attached to it everywhere as it was an old heater of some kind. It was ugly, but dang, it had potential! With a reciprocal saw I cut all the "guts" out...(and I always say a thank you prayer for no injuries!) Sorry, I have no "before" picture, darn it.

After some heavy cleaning and a few coats of poly, I knew it was ready to be something other than a heater!My fellow Junk Fest sisters know (and by now most of you bloggers!) that I am a wine lover, so I immediately realized wine glass stems would fit perfectly on the top grate, which is removable, by the way. I think it's stinkin' cute! Gotta love rust + glass + wine! ha!
I left on a "handle" for hanging a wine towel...oh, and full wine bottles do nestle nicely on the top grate also. (The silver deal is an old cheese grater on its' side).
See, the top is removeable...The beauty of many pieces sold at Junk Fest is they usually have many different purposes. We try and indicate all options for a piece on the back of our sale tags. Lynette started that and it was a fab idea! We really want you to love each and every piece and never get tired of your purchases! So, with that said, my initial thought was to make a potting stand out this rusty stand, like this:It's neat that way too, don't you think? One last thing, I covered the bottom with old yellowed pages from a dictionary just to jazz it up a bit...
Dang it...maybe it's a keeper!? Naw, just kidding! You'll find this one-of-a-kind piece for sale at Junk Fest...Saturday, September 12th! Oh, and who knows, it will probably be displayed WITH A WHOLE NEW PURPOSE! Gosh, I wish I could quit my day job...THIS is too much fun!

My Motto: To Live Well, Laugh Often & Junk Much...with glass of wine in hand!


  1. You guys find & re-funk the cutest stuff! Wish I could head up your way for the Junk Fest, My show is the same weekend, then we go to the Bonanza the next. Have to fit in that "real" job along the way too. Crazy, we must all be... but, it's fun! Keep the pictures coming!

  2. This is a wonderful piece!!
    So much you could do with it,.

    barbara jean

  3. Oh, yeah. I think that would have to be a keeper if I were you. Excellent ideas!!


  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Love it!...maybe we'll have to make a behind-the-scenes swap before anyone else knows it's there!! :) L

  6. Holy Freakin' Cow. The wine rack idea rocks! And the piece kicks major butt. Great eye and execution. I just love you girls! ~Mindy

  7. Cute, cute, cute!!! Keep the pictures coming, what a great idea. Dawn

  8. WOW! you're good, what a great peice of JUNQUE! LOVE IT!!! have a great weekend :)


  9. Hi! I just discovered your blog today, and I am amazed. Your creativity knows no bounds! I love it, and I'm now a follower!

  10. I LOVE this piece!! Would I like to get my hands on it! The rust is awesome, and the way you repurposed it? Fab!


  11. Repurpose, reinvent, restyle, reuse, reclaim, recycle & rehome...However you like to describe it....You guys do it & do it WELL...!!

    I'm SO thrilled to have discovered your blog...You've opened my eyes to 'further potential'...Yesterday I pulled up along side a pile of hard rubbish (curb side throw out) & said to myself, "What would the Junk Fest girls see...?"

    Cheers from Australia,
    Tamarah :o)


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