
Monday, July 13, 2009

This junker's journey....(a.k.a. my summer vacation)

Even a junker has to get away every now and then to clear the mind and refresh the creative soul....come along with me on my journey to western North Dakota because, quite frankly, it looks like that's the only place I'm getting to this summer!!
Most locals would agree with me when I say that you have to be a native of North Dakota to really appreciate the wide open spaces, flat lands with very few trees, harsh winters and pesky summer mosquitoes! If you're heading to North Dakota, then Medora- located in the heart of the Badlands, is a must-see. The Badlands are the exception to the above statement. There are gorgeous rocky buttes (our version of mountains), lush greenery, wildlife (no bears or rattlers) and there's even a river that runs through it!
Even though the pace is relaxed and laid back, there's plenty to do and see. But be warned, the horses are fast....

And they have a tendency to switch directions on you without warning!
This one below is more my speed!

And this bronc rider seems to be suspended in time....?

You'll find shopping...

...and top-notch food and drinks...

But for me, it's all about the flowers...(well, okay it's about the food and drinks too, but I do enjoy the flowers!)

Especially the junkified flowers...

For those extended stays, you can even get your laundry done...but you may have to allow extra time...

Western North's not the edge of the earth....but close to it!!


  1. Yes, a junker needs to get away, but...did you get any junk?! Great pictures, especially those horse rides!

  2. lol You're so clever, Cassie! Love all of your pics and whittiness. Makes me want to take a little drive out there....

  3. How cute/witty/hilarious are you.
    ND is quite glam.. in it's own rustic way.
    Heart you Auntie C!

  4. Good Old Medora....I haven't been there in years. Your pics make me want to visit there again very soon!

  5. Thanks for sharing some great pictures! I'd love to go there someday! Dawn

  6. Looks beautiful! And relaxing! And I love the flowers, too!

  7. BTW, my Dad was Air Force and stationed in ND when we were kids. His brother lives in White, SD. But I know those are big States! Just thought I'd mention it!


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