
Friday, August 28, 2009

Check this out!

One of the perks of hangin' with the JunkFest gals is gettin in on the goods before the rest of the world! I snagged this baby up last year a good 10-12 hours before the sale even began!! Yep....Andrea was hauling this gem into the building and I was oohing and ahhing and drooling on myself as she did so. This gorgeous re-creation wasn't in the door 10 minutes before I was loading her up in my 'burb and headin' for home!
According to Andrea, this beautiful wine buffet was not always the Cinderella you see here. Seems there were several pieces the back, the top, and perhaps the bottom, but she waved her magic junk wand and came up with what you see here. It fits perfectly in my dining room, and holds a good 8-10 bottles of wine. Or 8 good bottles of wine....or 8 cheap bottles of decide.

What you see here is an inverted (junk-speak for 'upside down') heat register grate, in place of the now-vacant drawers. Guess those were missing too. For those of you who don't already know this, our Junk Girl is very resourceful!! Wonder whose house those grates came from??!

I'm really sorry that no one else got to eyeball this beauty at last year's JunkFest, but I'm not gonna lie....I'm thrilled that it's MINE. I'm fairly certain that you'll find equally fabulous pieces at JunkFest '09. All you gotta do is show up! Gotta you can see, I'm getting low on wine!


  1. This is beautiful! Is that a stencil? I want to much did you pay? Just snoopy!

  2. It appears a proper snagging has occurred with this gem. ;) Such a stunning piece.

    Way to go, Cassie!

  3. Cass, you kill me. Perhaps you need a bottle of Oregon wine in there?

    Come visit after Junkfest! and bring little M too! ;)


  4. This is gorgeous. I would have bought this, too!

  5. A beautiful piece, a great find and a fabulous score!

  6. really like your blog. the music will keep me away though... i realize i can turn it off, or turn off my speakers, but blog stalking is either my 'quiet' time or time for music of my choosing. your choices-- umm..well....let's just say not my choice..sorry. i'm guessing thereare others who agree but just won't say so... nice stuff tho...

  7. Cassie - You surely chose a winner here. It is incredibly beautiful. Love it!

  8. Seriously? Y'all ALWAYS have kick booty wine cabinets. See? I pay attention! And here's another to add to the list. I like it. I like it because it is oak and no one has broken the law and painted it. Y'all are such good women up there, wherever you are. Cheers! ~Mindy

  9. I guess I totally disagree with anonymous. Music is like adding personality to a blog! Just like giving yourself a profile name adds personality to comments. So hope you continue to enjoy our blog, and just please choose to turn the music down.

    Cassie, the only bad thing about you snagging that finer than fine wine got to it before me!! But for the best, because it looks fabulous in your dining room!

  10. LOVE. JG is amazing. Art...functional's a beautiful thing. Lucky girl Cass.

  11. For what it's worth, I love your upbeat music and it always puts me in a good mood!!!

  12. What a beautiful wine cabinet! Fabulous save and repurpose by Andrea and a great snag by Cassie.

  13. I love this wine rack. I'll never look at a piece without drawers quite the same way. Jan

  14. I don't drink wine, but that is one beautiful piece of craftsmanship. Lucky girl!

  15. I love this piece! What a beauty...I recognize the sticker (Uppercase Living) I sell it! Good way to use fits PERFECT!!!!

  16. Oh and I LOVE your music...sometimes I pull up the site just to listen to it. :)

  17. Jealous! I wish I was close enough to go to junkfest!


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