
Saturday, August 15, 2009

JunkFest 2008 re-cap!

The JunkGirls have been busy, busy bring you the best sale ever! September 12, just around the corner...YIPPEE!!


  1. OMG, I am dying here!!! The pink chippy chair, the rusty basket with roller wheels!!! I love it all!!! Tootles, Janna

  2. I see lots of things I would of wanted! I love the 3 wheeled bike! I know how busy you must all be! I'm in the same boat, with my Fall show on Sept. 10, 11th, and 12th and then the following week I'm doing the Bonanza for the first time! I haven't counted the days yet... I'm afraid too! Can't wait to see pic's of this years Junkfest. Wish I could be there.

  3. Oh my gosh!!! I have to figure out a way to get there!!The little wagon next to the bike, the pink chippy chair, the wire cart the pumpkins are in, the watering cans and wire basket next to them, black cabinet, white dresser with mirror. . . .I WANT THEM ALL!! Maybe if I sell everything I can rent a UHaul and drive to the Junk Fest?!?!? LOL

  4. Cuh-rap! I wanna be as good as y'all are when I grow up! I love the pumpkin holder. The wine rack is amazing. Cocktail hour is so smart. The industrial horns on the metal bases are rockin'. Seriously. I could drool on your floors for hours. Thanks for sharing! ~Mindy

  5. Hello
    Just found your blog and it looks like you are having a great time junking!
    Love the stuff you have posted

  6. Cassie,
    Thank you so much for coming out of the shadows! You made my night. My bathing beauty was one of my favorite photos...I may just have to put her back in my header.
    I wish y'all weren't
    a. So far away from Texas
    b. So close to the show we do at Warrenton that I can't get away!
    Y'all have really put a unique spin on it all. I really love the "cocktail hour" and "On Ice" washtubs...does that make me a lush? Oh and the scales, I love the scales!
    Thank you so much for taking the time to give me your thoughts and input. From the looks of things, I'm pretty sure time is a valuable commodity for you right now! I do appreciate it.


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