
Tuesday, August 4, 2009

A little junk around town

While out for my walks this summer, I've run across some mighty fine looking junk in our town. Thought I'd share some of it with all you bloggers. These first few pictures are from my good friend, Alisons' yard...
Here's a cute little guy! This looks familiar! I sold this chair fountain creation at Junk Fest a couple years ago! It looks perfect in one of Alison's many garden areas...
I simply ADORE this. It's an old laundry basket filled with beautiful flowers on her back patio. Nice job, Alison!This is on Denise's front walk way...I've admired it all summer and asked if I could snap a photo...what a cute touch the umbrella and hat are, don't you think?And who doesn't love a rusty urn? It's in just the right spot in this gal's front yard!And last, but not least, while out visiting my sister in Southwestern North Dakota, I snapped a few shots of her beautiful yard. Perhaps her helping at Junk Fest has rubbed off a bit, cause low and behold, I noticed some cool junk tucked in here and there among her many perennials! Her hubby's old family mailbox isn't filled with mail any longer...Sigh. This is the rusty urn she bought at Junk Fest two years ago. It was actually part of an old stove. It's nice in her front yard, but it would look WAY better in mine (hint, hint sista)! Is it just me, or does junk seem to be everywhere?


  1. Wow. Junk really can be beautiful, can't it!

  2. Great junk!!
    barbara jean

    PS I see it everywhere too, only i call it 'treasures'. =0))

  3. Love it all, you girls find the coolest things ever!! Love the ice cream bucket and metal laundry basket!! Tootles, Janna

  4. Summer seems to be the easiest time to decorate with "junk" much of it looks great in the garden! Great shots Andrea!

  5. So neat. Eclectic and fun and whimsical. Thanks for sharing.

  6. Flowers can make any junk the center of attention! Thanks for the pictures. They are a little inspiration to get in the garage and start cleaning up some junk!
    Laurie :)

  7. I hope you were enjoying a cold one while snapping these beautiful photos. I still can't believe we didn't get pics when you were down...I'm still talking about it with my mom...WTF. What were we thinkin'.

  8. I just stumbled upon your blog. Oh how I wish you were closer because I know we would be great friends. I love everything here. There are not of this kind of things here I guess I should make it happen but where do I start.
    I will be back so Please keep it coming.
    Cathy from Kentucky

  9. Junk is everywhere and aren't we lucky girls for it?

  10. Love the repurposed items in the garden. That laundry basket planter is fabulous!


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