
Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Calling all JunkGirls!

I was hanging out this evening with my JunkGirlfriends (Cassie, Andrea and Lynette) in a place called The Barn. We were having a grand old time reliving the wonderful time we had a JunkFest 2009. It was a great day to catch up with old friends and meet some new. I tell you what though, my JunkGirlfriends are some curvaceous BABES! Take a look at them here...

Oh, you're on to me aren't you!?

I'll fess up...I wasn't with the real JunkGirls tonight,
and I was in MY barn, you know, the kind with straw on the floor. I was cutting out these shapely shapes for some fun, funky wire dress forms I picked up this summer. The wood will be sanded and painted with chalkboard paint. What fun!! Two of these funky creations went out the door at JunkFest this year. Now, on to the reason I'm making's for ME! YIPPEE!! Us JunkGirls sometimes forget to treat ourselves to the fun stuff. Another is for the extremely talented Tamra of Just For You Jewelry and Beads. Tamra was a vendor again this year at JunkFest but even better yet...she has once again created a wonderful JunkGirl masterpiece. We made a little barter, funky dressform chalkboard for awesome JunkGirl necklace! WOOHOO!! And I super LOVE my necklace!! Check out Tamra's link on the sidebar of this page. If you're a real true'll find some awesome "junky" accessories at her site.
Check out the DIY projects and links here! And watch for our next post GIVE AWAY!!


  1. Those dress form message boards are so neat! What a creative mind you have!

  2. Missy -- very,very cool stuff! Certainly the most creative chalkboard I've ever seen. But I think you ended up with a pretty sweet necklace, too. Glad you decided to treat yourself -- twice. Always love your stuff!

  3. How clever you are!! What a great idea!

  4. Oh my gosh - LOVE those chalkboards! Keep the creative juices flowing and more pictures coming. Love it all, Dawn

  5. VERY unique!! I like this a lot but I'm partial to dress forms!

  6. That was the perfect thing to do with those dress forms. I love those!

  7. I really enjoyed looking around your blog! What great ideas!!
    *Eliza’s blog*


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