
Sunday, September 6, 2009

Feelin' Warm and JunkFest!

The Junk Girls aren't the only ones who know how to repurpose! Let me tell you a bit about a new vendor to this year's JunkFest Flea Market. Darcie Grager is a very talented local artisan...and a real sweetie! (I know cause we've been BFF's for a LONG time!) She is one talented gal and will be featuring some of her very own creations in her booth, located in the "barn" at the fairgrounds.

Here's the "before" pic of one of her wrist bangles. She's worked her magic on it and now she's put a cool and funky touch to it! You'll have to stop by her booth to see the finished product.

And talk about repurpose! Check out the wool sweater!

And look at it now...WOW!
Looks to be some great surprises at this booth! Darcie creates a variety of wonderful things, along with being one of the best machine quilters I know. Check out her blog here! See you at JunkFest!!


  1. Girls--I so wish I was coming with my Montana junk fest girls, but it is my first week of teaching preschool. Have a wonderful show!

  2. Aw...aren't you just the sweetest! Thanks for the shout-out, Melissa! ;-) The worst part about being at JunkFest is that we'll be oh-so-close to each other...yet never get to see each other's wares! ;-) But if that's the worst part...then the other parts are sure to be pretty fantastic, right!

    Four days...14 hours and counting. EEEEk!!!

  3. Darcie! I am so glad you are in the flea market! I love your blog and admire everything about it. Wish I could sew more than a button on - I admire your talents! See you on Saturday! Andrea


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