
Monday, October 12, 2009

And the winner is....

Thanks to everyone who left comments for Andrea/Junk Girl for her birthday! The lucky winner of the birthday giveaway is Sandy a.k.a. Doris the Great! Check out Sandy's blog at Aging Disgracefully....this woman is a scream! Sandy, if you could email me your address I'll get the goods to you ASAP!!

Some of the junk girls got to go on a mini junking trip over the for details tomorrow!


  1. Great giveaway, I'm sorry I didn't pick up on it until too late. Congrats to Sandy, though!
    All the best,

  2. Oh your name was in the drawing Anne! I told everyone I was ending the drawing on the 10th, but I didn't actually draw until this morning!

  3. Congrats to Sandy. But, I'm a little concerned about this drawing. Did you not get the memo that it's my birthday month and it would only be appropriate to pick ME? haaaaaa! I'm sad for me, but happy for Sandy and for Andrea. Yee haw! ~Mindy

  4. Happy belated birthday to Andrea!And thanks for the blogging tip, boy just when you think you have figured this thing out it puts you back in your place!Love your guys blog!


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