
Friday, November 20, 2009

Autumn junk style

I've never considered Autumn to be my favorite season. The thought of it preceding Winter was always a bit of a downer to me. But this year I have to admit I am so very grateful for a long comfortable Autumn.

The colors that surround Autumn have always warmed my heart. The warm earthy golds, oranges and browns can be found throughout my house. And what better way to decorate a couple little nooks in my kitchen than with the colors of the season...mixed with a bit of sweet junk.

The mix of ironstone, assorted pottery, aged wood and rusty metal are splendid. Throw in some tattered burlap and fall leaves for color...and whisper a wish that Autumn can hold on for some time.

A weathered wood caddy turned up on end makes a grand home for a bottle of wine.

Sewing machine drawers for always needed kitchen clutter storage, paired with a perfectly time-worn, craized pottery bowl.For now I'll enjoy my Autumn splendor...but I'll have the cozy fire ready...for YOU KNOW WHAT.


  1. Gorgeous colors and textures! I love this! So heart-warming! You just have the knack girl. Using those drawers was inspired.

  2. Your pictures and words are all the reasons I love this season! Nevermind what's coming....we're sturdy people!!

  3. Ah...full of wonderment!

    I love this post, Missy! Your house looks amazing. Getting ready for Thanksgiving...or a birthday party?! ;-)

    Weekend hugs to you, Miss November.

  4. Very cool combination of textures and colors. Love the warmth of it. I too am loving the extended Fall we've been having this year. Hopefully, we'll have a short Winter.
    a giveaway is going on now.


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