
Saturday, November 7, 2009

Bathroom makeover...finally!

It's deer hunting season up here in the North, and my three guys left the house bright and early this a.m. As they exited, I jumped out of bed to get our 1/2 bath made-over before they came back home.

First, I need to explain our 1/2 bath is small. The key word here is small. So small it has a pocket door and once inside, you can hardly turn around. But, hey, it serves the purpose and is convenient since it's right inside the back door and next to the's the guest bath, for the most part.

BEFORE:Yep, that's right folks. A totally ugly light fixture with brass details, "sponge" painted walls in three shades of green and beige and yes, that's a birds nest wallpaper border. My excuse for the ugliness? Too busy working on projects for Junk Fest and totally ignoring my house...obviously!
I admit...I thought it was kinda years ago.THE NEW REST ROOM:Laura Ashley "Canvas White" painted walls with grey and black accents. I used metallic spray paint to cover up the ugly brass. No, didn't buy a new light fixture.Love the new towels from Target and I got the black rugs there too. Yep, on sale.What to put in a small bathroom? A really LARGE old window, of course! It really looks neat and hard to capture in a photo, but you get the idea. It's BIG!My new mercury glass looking votives were only .99 cents each! Again, purchased at Target... Speaking of new looks, how do you like our new blog header?


  1. Hi!
    I just found your blog and so excited to look around. The bath looks great...I love black & white. Think I'll have to visit Target. :-)

  2. OMG!!! First of all, the header is too freakin funny! I look terrible, by the way!!! But the fun we had makes up for it.

    And the bathroom....Andrea....WOW! You totally just inspired me to get off my butt and make some changes in my house. (just wish you would have posted it this morning...maybe I would have gotten something done today) Great job!!!

  3. Love the new header! Hey girls, we finished up our Fall Show. It went great! We are gonna be in a magazine, Porch magazine. Whooo Hoooo!

    Linda & Dixie
    The Funky Junk Sisters

  4. I like the header, and I LOVE the bathroom!!

  5. Your header is adorable! Your bathroom makeover is amazing (in one day). That window just "does it"! Have a great Sunday, Dawn

  6. I happen to LOVE the blog header! I think it captures the spirit of our junking adventures perfectly!
    Andrea, your half bath is wonderful! Great junky accessories...and that window! Wow! Love it!

  7. Excellent bath makeover!! And the new header is just right!

  8. Andrea ... It looks awesome! You have made a cool small space. I have one of those small baths on the other side of the house so I know what u have on your hands!! I have got to chat with you soon, it has been too darn long!! Getting ready to head to the booth then back home to help hubby in the yard! HUGS, Janna

  9. So wonderful. What a huge difference and well worth the effort. doesn't it feel good to get those things that have bugged you for years done? Have a wonderful day.

  10. I like your new header. Cute photo. I think pocket doors are so good where space is small, like my house. My 1/2 bath might be smaller than yours! love that clock, and those black and white towels. Looks terrific!

  11. Wow, I love the window!! I just found your blog, I am going to look a bit more.

  12. Hey Andrea the blog header is a fun change and a cute tribute to the cold Falls we northerners all share.
    Love the bathroom redo. Tickled me pink to see I'm not the only person too preoccupied creating to tend to their own house projects. lol I still have a stupid grape stencil in our bedroom that was stenciled when I was pg with our 15 year old. Crazy, but true. It is on my long list of redos, but can only do so much in a day.
    Love the black and white towels, the oversized window, awesome tea lights, etc. All very cool.
    By the way, what did the three men of the house think?

  13. Looking to modernise your bathroom with some new and stylish Bathroom Makeovers? Mteroloft has everything you need.


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