
Wednesday, November 25, 2009

White Wednesday

It certainly appears everyone enjoyed the pictures Cassie posted last Wednesday...White Wednesday. Yes, they were grand! I told her I'd give it a try this week even though I don't have nearly the neat white collections she does (nor can I take such great pictures as she does - holy smokes girl, good job!) I do have a love for white though and it can be found throughout my house. So, here goes...

White candles...I love 'em...
I bet you can't believe I haven't been kicked out of the house for dragging all this chippy stuff in, huh?! I know, me either, but what's not to love?!!
Oh, yes. If it's white and not chippy then it's white and dusted with a tad bit of rust! Ha! I've posted some of my lamp bases before...wait till you see what I do with them for Christmas...!
And, just to see if you're paying attention, there's alot of WHITE WINE in my house too! Ha! But you knew that about me already, didn't you?! LOL! Happy White Wednesday!


  1. Great pics Andrea! Love all your whites...
    Why is that wine glass full?

  2. I LOVE the whites!! That frame is beautiful!

  3. Girl you got some white going on there!!! Love the # coasters! Happy Thanksgiving! Big Hugs, Janna

  4. Oh, lovin the white...especially the chippy and the rusty white!


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