
Monday, December 21, 2009

In the Frosty Air

While the sun was resting over the weekend, we had a light covering of fog throughout the area. It was a perfect opportunity to get out and snap some shots of the magic that frost can do on the landscape. We don't have much for snow on the ground, although I hear it's on the way....the frost will have to do for now...until the sun comes back out!

What's the weather like in your neck of the woods?


  1. it is 69 degress here... i sure love the pics you posted. i hope you have a merry CHRISTmas week and are making memories.


  2. Great picture' the one with the bike. It started sonwing in MD friday night, stopped Saturday night. we got 20 inches, I was just able to get out of our house today.
    The temps is to stay in the 20's all week, I guess we'll have a white Christmas after all.
    Merry Christmas,

  3. Oooh pretty pictures, Cassie! Now I'm glad that I didn't post my puny 1 photo. I just stepped out of the door quick on Saturday morning and snapped a few of the same setting...different angles. Love your close-ups! And the frosted bike is adorable!

    My tree is UP! And LIGHTED! Now, do I have to decorate it?! *whine*

    Merry Christmas to you and your family...and your Junk Sisters!

  4. OMG!*!*! Just LoVe the Bicylcle Basket & Bird Nest... ***Just AwEsoMe*** Weather forecast in Wiscosin: No Sun... Cold-in the 20's... Soft Snow Flurries Falling... Merriest of HoLiDaYs to you ladies... Sooooo glad you're blogging... Jeanine, ChiPPy!-SHaBBy!

  5. I think your picture of the bike is a hit. Maybe postcards for next year!??
    I keep hearing we are getting the white stuff Christmas eve and Christmas day here in Omaha. Stay warm!
    Laurie :)

  6. Just beautiful where you are..just where is that???? It is in the 60's here today but we may get snow in the next 48..yippeee!!!
    I agree.. these would make wonderful postcards or framed prints!!!
    Happy Winter!!

  7. Those don't even look gorgeous! It's unanimous...start making postcards...I'm ordering one of the bird's nest now!

  8. Your pictures could be in frames on walls!! Beautiful !
    Our Christmas was wonderful, cold and perfect!
    Thanks for sharing such great pictures!


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