
Thursday, January 14, 2010

Chippy white and wonderful!

Wait! Back up a minute...that's the "finished" product above, but let's go back to the beginning., SMELL...if you will...a musty, moldy, forgotten about couple of furniture pieces. From two completely different houses, I might add! (more of the story here!)

Anyway, as I was saying (or hadn't I gotten that far?) these two pieces, from two different locations, but on the same junk jaunt...then, as though it was always meant to be, the symbolic lightbulb suddenly shines above us...something only a "junker's eye" can see...a match made in heaven!
With a price, as you can see!! Scrubbing, scrubbing, repairing, scrubbing, lather, rinse, repeat.
But how sweet now sitting in my kitchen, in all her CHIPPY glory!!!

A warm touch of paint on the inside, and some burlap too!!

Here she is decked out for Christmas. (okay, I'll admit it...haven't quite gotten all the holiday goods put away yet!) But soon I'll freshen up with new goods and I seriously can't wait to add a touch of spring in there!!

Now, here's the fun part. I want to share. There are some wonderful linky parties out there and here are a couple of my favorites.


Bec4 at Beyond the Picket Fence is just getting started with a linky for projects under $100. Those are the best ones, and would you believe this dresser/hutch project was dern near free!!

Miss Mustard Seed is one of my faves for sure. Some great stuff gets linky'd here for Furniture Feature Friday.

Kimba at A Soft Place to Land has the most awesome linky DIY party ever...with hundreds of links!!

Funky Junk Interiors have the bestest of the best Saturday Night Special with projects that range from...well, everything to everything!!

Okay, just one more! Just Between Naps on the Porch is FABULOUS! They host a linky for Metamorphisis Monday and it is most certianly worth checking out. There's even an awesome tassle giveaway...and not just any tassle...unique tassels from The Tassel House.


  1. Wow!
    I'm drooling.
    That is amazing.
    Just found your blog from Miss Mustard Seed's Furniture Feature Friday party.
    Count me as a new follower!

  2. I love it!!! Looks like they were made for each other.

  3. omg!!! I love it! I would have NEVER guessed they weren't made originally for each other!! Fantastic find- good job on those shelves! :)

  4. I would really want to steal this if i came to your house! ha! - this is great!!!

  5. OMG!! She is gorgeous!! And you are sooooo lucky I don't live closer...she might become MIA!!

  6. Looks great, I love it. They look as though they are original to one another.

  7. Such charm you have unearthed!!
    I love it! :o)

  8. What a perfect marriage of those two pieces. The naturally distressed finishes on both pieces match so well and look great together. You have made a very special piece. Nice work!

  9. Oh my I could hug you over this piece! My mom is a serious junker - now I am too! I see chippy paint & I'm instantly in love. These two were made for each other - what a great find!

  10. Ahh the junker eye. My hubby does not understand that eye nor does he have one but he trusts mine and we always end up with a great piece at the end. Love it - and it is chippy, peeling, white - ahhh I am in serious love with this..

  11. oh my! that is perfect, and i love the touch of burlap in the back. i have a hutch in my line up of re-do's that has a mirrored back - now i know what to do with that thing!! thanks for the inspiration!

  12. Just beautiful and they look like they've always been together! Great job!

    Kat :)

  13. What a beautiful marriage! I love them both!

  14. Wonderful!!!!! Love the finished product!

  15. Now that is stylin! Covet covet!!!!


  16. Love, love, love this turned out wonderfully!
    Happy day.

  17. Oh so wonderful! Thanks girls for joining my first linky party.

  18. That's one pretty piece of furniture or should I say two, they look great together, Love it, Love it!

  19. Nice, but I'm afraid I'm eyeing those bowls! lol

  20. I love old pieces, great job. It looks like they found each other.

  21. It's perfect! That's something Ron and I would have snapped up in a minute. It looks like it was meant to go together. Just needed someone to do it. lol. Love it.

  22. very nice job! That was a good day junkin! :)

  23. Great cupboard! What is the color of paint you used on the inside?

  24. LOVE IT!! What a wonderful hutch!
    Thanks for sharing!
    Debi xo

  25. What a great piece, or should i say pieces.

    Wonderful job. A lot of work but I'm sure worth it now.

    barbara jean

  26. Oh, they look mighty chipper together, don't they? Beautifully done Melissa! Here's to elbow grease and a junker's eye!

  27. I'm a big fan of the distressed look, so this is right up my alley! I love it all, including the new fresh look on the inside. Great job!

  28. Wow! Now we are talking! I love this hutch. Great Job! --Delores

  29. What a beauty! I love that you put these two pieces together and the work so well ... great piece!

  30. This is just fantastic! My husband picked me up a FREE hutch top lying on the side of the road by the trash and now we just need to find a bottom and do what you did! How inspiring you are!
    Hugs, Lana

  31. Wow, what a beauty! It's as if they were meant to be together! I love it! And if you don't mind, I'd love to be a follower of your blog. Come visit me and hopefully my blog entices you into following it along. :) God Bless.

  32. This turned out really darling-- I'm loving it!

  33. Chippy, white loveliness. Can't get much better than that! Great job!

  34. love it ,and I wouldn't have known they weren't meant to be together. Nice job. Come for a visit.


  35. Actually I'm offended you didn't mention by blog. I'm all about the DIY projects. I mean there was the post about... hmmm.... ok, well then there was the post about... OK, just never mind. If I have to remind you about all of my DIY great instructional posts it's just not worth it!



    Love this cupboard.

    Found stuff is always the best stuff.

  36. I love it! Looks like they were made for each other.

  37. Stunning, I love it! I hope I can find a piece or pieces like that for my bathromm :) Thanks for your kind comment on my blog! Have a great weekend!

  38. Fabulous Missy! Wow did you ever hit the perfect match here. Love it!

  39. Oh my gosh... can I have it? LOL

    They totally were made for each other. What a wonderful showcase for all things precious and chippy inside. :)

    Thanks for linking this up to SNS!
    FJ Donna

  40. Ok. Ok. I'm following already!!!

    Every thing that's catching my eye this week is yours!!!

    You've got my vote! Wait, this isn't a contest, huh?

  41. Wow, she's beautiful, it takes skills to get that great distressing look. Great job.


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