
Friday, February 26, 2010

Flea Market Magic!

Have you seen it? It's finally here! Just picked up my copy today and I am in LOVE! I'm talking about Flea Market Style Magazine! For you junkers out there, this is inspirational eye candy at it's best!! And...because we love us a good flea market (none other than our very own JunkFest!!) and we love our readers....we're giving away one copy very soon! Whew, what a mouthful! Did you get all that?
What do you have to do to qualify for this giveaway, you ask? Just leave us a comment telling us about your favorite flea market find ever! One lucky duck will win a copy, plus a little extra flea market surprise!

Here's a little peek at what gets my attention at flea markets......

Rusty, chippy scales of every kind and color....

Vintage pails, shovels for the beach...

Stoneware, vintage pottery..., clocks, faces....

Let's hear it from you....where have you been and what did you find?

Oh yeah, don't forget....the party starts Saturday! Head over to Alchemy Junk's "So You Think You Can Decorate" contest...we're playing along! Go vote for your favorite!


  1. would LOVE a copy!!! Best flea market find - hmmmm - there are so many flea market babies that I've brought home with me (sometimes to my hubby's chagrin)! Best would probably be a antique buffet painted a beautiful chippy green with scalloped details AND I got it for a song! Visit my site & you'll see flea market finds abound!

  2. I so need to win a copy of the magazine! The nearest Barnes and Noble is out already (can't believe they only ordered 8) and I haven't found one anywhere else yet.

    My favorite find is a round wooden box with a wooden lid - like a big cheese box -- but on the side is stamped "Lutefisk 50 lbs." Uff da! Gotta love it!!

  3. Love the new magazine. A little pricey so we all have shared a copy -- it's lookin' a little dog-eared. My sisters & I went antiqueing today & I found a great sofa table, 3-legged stool & an old corkscrew. Thanks for the nice comment on my blog -- I appreciate the thoughtfulness. OK, I'm goin' over to vote. Have a great weekend. Jan

  4. My fav find EVER was a FREE base cupboard that had had a circular saw attached to it and the guy who bought the saw didn't want the cupboard...I asked and got it! THE BEST PART WAS...screwed inside the cupboard was an old antique primitive spice cabinet with 8 drawers with stenciled spice names on them...ALL FOR FREE!
    GReat give~away!

  5. That magazine sounds great! I wonder if we can get it here in Canada? I'm a bit of a flea-market I'd have to say my best find is the gun cabinet I found last weekend that I'm planning to turn into a little coat nook! :)

  6. Cool giveaway! And cooler post. Love your photos. They sure have me wanting to run to the local thrift again. And I was just there today. :)

    Hey, I'll be tuning in to SYT! See ya there. ;)


  7. My best find was a old piece of victorian moulding that I now have on my wall as display for just 5 bucks!


  8. I'd love to win a copy! My favourite find would probably be two miniature (less than 12") black Windsor comb back chairs.

  9. My favorite find is an old glazed window that I got for a song. I also always look for old stoneware.

    Have a great weekend.

  10. Hmm... lets see... I have found some great vintage letter stamps. I love using them in my art! I have not seen this magazine yet, but it sounds fantastic!

  11. Nice finds! Down here in FL, we don't have good flea markets :(, so it's been a long time since I've been to one. Does fabric count that I found at an antique's store?

  12. Hi, if you would travel into tipical italian cuisine take a look at my blog:
    Have a good trip!

  13. Oh wow, I have found a couple but it would have to be a double drop leaf dining table with 8 chairs;} I just sanded it and stained it to all it's natural glory;}

  14. I have a copy already and lOVE it... but just wanted to chime in and say that my fave flea finds were charm bracelets for my daughters!!!

  15. My favorite find at a rummage sale (flea market for me) was baby blue wedgewood pitcher and bowl for a grand total of $.50. Gorgeous raised white Grecian designs on them. I can't wait til I have a house of my own. Of course, my aunt SweetMelissa is going to "Missify" it for me!!! Amanda

  16. I went to First Monday this weekend and gotta cute baby scale to put in my vintage nursery/ guest room... Also thought it would be cool to display baby pics on, next year when my baby graduates and of course it would be cute at baby showers.

  17. My favorite flea market find is my large harvest tray I got for free! While I was paying for a few things, I spotted the harvest tray under a table. I asked her how much is it and she said, "that old thing, I'll never get around to painting it, you can have it if you want, just take it." I almost fell to the ground. I never painted it, it is perfect as is.

    I've been looking for Flea Market Style everwhere and haven't found it. So I'm crossing my fingers!

    Thanks for the chance to win! Good luck to all!


  18. Our best flea market find a matte white scalloped edged vase! My oh my only .50 cents! Now filled with fresh Tulips from the Skagit Valley! Over the top! Take a look at

  19. Best find would be an old steamer trunk that apparently had been in a flood, but with some sanding and staining it will be a gorgeous coffee table. It was a freebie!
    Have not seen the magazine yet, but would love a copy.


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