
Saturday, March 20, 2010

White Doesn't Whisper

The votes are in...and unfortunately we came up a tad short this week.  But we've had a great time over at SYTYCD in the contest and made it much farther than we ever dreamed, considering the great talent of our competitors.  This honor of an opportunity has been full of great inspiration and motivation!  Here is our entry that would have been for week four.  Following is a collection of pictures to make you feel you are in a white wonderland.  Enjoy!

At JunkFest, white doesn't shouts "I'M BEAUTIFUL, LOOK AT ME!" No matter what style, what circumstance, *white* has a way of finding its place. Whether tucked in discreetly or bold and upfront, any amount of white brings with it everything from sweet serenity to a high fashion statement. 

Displaying white, on white, on white can be as simple as 1. 2. 3.

1. Foundation. If you're fortunate enough to possess a large wonderful white piece of furniture or mantel, use it as the core substance of your display. Here a fabulous Fairbanks scale anchors the display area.

2. Layer. Multiple shapes, sizes and shades of white, when put together, make quite a statement. Here the circular echo of the PB style clock, the vintage clockfaces stacked in a bowl, and the scroll of the architectural piece play on each other drawing your eye from top to bottom, then back up again.

3. Element of Surprise. Now, mix it up! Vary the heights from tall to short, and the style from functional to funky. Throw in some playful splashes of color. The greenery, the frames, and the book bring depth to the overall mood of the display. The sweet chippy garden statue finds her dream home here, surrounded by elements that make her feel loved.

There are no rules. Displaying white is at your discretion. Have fun, play, enjoy.

White. It Makes us Drool.


Now, grab your coffee.  Sit back and enjoy the following white wonderland...


  1. Man!

    I hate to see y'all go. I always enjoy your posts. I'll keep watching y'all from here.

    Great taste- great tips- great fun!

    Love JunkFest!

  2. Absolutley gorgeous whites and unbelievable photography!

  3. Oh girls, I am bummed! Love the white stuff. Had a great time meeting Andrea, wish we could junk together!

  4. I'm bummed too. I loved your post with the old "junk" photo displays and couldn't vote fast enough when I saw it. You all did a great job.

  5. Sad here too. :(

    But am so glad you'll keep on junkin' and making our world a more beautiful place! :)

    Your whites are positively rustily beautiful!


  6. A wonderland of white indeed! So much to adore...including you! Great job with all your competition projects. All four of you are wonderful girls with a fun sense of junk-inspired style!! I'm so glad to know you!


  7. You gals are so talented and creative! I loved all your entries and hate to see you eliminated.

  8. All of this is just beautiful. I have such an appreciation for white now and you all did it up wonderfully.

  9. This is a fantastic White Post! I LOVE IT! The photos are fabulous! I'm shocked! I am so glad that I was introduced to your blog through SYTYCD. I look forward to seeing much more of your creativity and inspiration! Thank you for bringing beauty to junk, WONDERFUL!

  10. So sad to see you girls go! Last week Amy and now you guys! That bums me right out! I think you are fab & I just love your style!!!

  11. I loved your post about "old" and it has been so fun to see your fab ideas! Hate to see you go. I'll be keeping up with your sweet "junking" no matter what!

    -Brooke at All Things Thrifty

  12. You have amazing ideas! I love the way you mix the delicate with the chunky and hard-lived pieces of furniture and accessories! It's lovely, really!

    I'm going white. So I've been following all your touches!

    Sad to see you go....gosh I hate the whole voting thing!!!! I want everyone to win! Well, know you are winners to this here little blog gal!

  13. Well darn. And I voted every week, too. Well, you are still the best of the best to me!

  14. You just can't beat a nice piece of junk!
    Keep up the good work.

  15. That is just not right! Love your creative spirits! I will still be following you all and all your wonderful posts.
    smiles, alice
    That mantle and the clock faces are my fav's. But if you are getting rid of the rest well........

  16. Oh, I just love all of these pieces and pictures for you white entry. Sad to see you ladies go. :(

  17. White on white on white!!! Oh, if I could do my craft room like this! I was taking pictures of my craft room the other dream to be featured sometime in "Where Women Create", but oh, my, I think I have a lot of work to do before that!!! Would love to sit back with a cup of coffee and view more but am fasting coffee for the next five days for praying for Eagle Butte, South Dakota.

    Blessings your way, deb

  18. Aw shoot...that's so sad that you're not in the running for SYTYCD anymore. But that doesn't mean you're *finished.* Keep up the terrific showings! I love it all!!!


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