
Thursday, April 8, 2010

A bedspring tablescape...and a little wine too

When it was my turn to cook recently for the culinary club, recipes were gathered and many variations attempted before the big night. The two other couples cooking, along with my husband and I, decided on a dinner party featuring wine pairings with each course. The minute my ears heard, "wine pairing" my mind was quickly drifting off to tablescape possibilities! Thought I'd share what I came up with! Antique mirrors...bunches of extremely real-looking grapes (from Wal-Mart!), wine glasses filled with corks...and some spilling over......and a rusty old bed spring, of course! Candle votives fit snugly in the springs while wine bottles nestled in nicely too... ...the rest of the table held wine glasses...lots of 'em!

Overhead's a glass "spilling" over!

And what goes great with wine? Dessert of course! The evening ended with Warm Chocolate Melting Cake and ice cream - it was yummy! Sorry I don't have a photo (it was eaten in the blink of an eye!), but here's the recipe:
3/4 c. butter
6 oz. of semi-sweet baker's chocolate
3/4 c. sugar
1/4 c. flour
Melt the chocolate with the butter in the micowave. Mix together. Add in the 4 eggs (very important: room temperature), sugar and flour. Mix on high until well blended. Pour into lightly greased ramekin dishes. This recipe will fill six ramekins. Bake at 390 degrees for EXACTLY 14 minutes. After a couple of minutes of cooling, the middle of the cake will fall. This is normal! Sprinkle with powdered sugar and serve warm with ice cream. Enjoy!

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  1. Stunning display! Love the texture, and of course the bed springs! :) Recipe looks deadly!

  2. What a fantastic imagination you must have! I love the setting - and the use of the bedspring is just fantastic!
    I'll be using your recipe SOON.

  3. Oh my gosh - that is just FANTASTIC!!! How clever - and FUN!!!

    ;-) robelyn

  4. Okay, that's it. I'm joining the culinary club!!

  5. I want a culinary club!!! I mean if it pairs wine, with food, with friends and fun tablescapes (love yours) than count me in. All my favorite things.

  6. You had me at rusty but finished me off with chocolate! Love this idea and I'll more than likely be stealing, I mean borrowing it in the future.

  7. Love, love, love it! I recently harvested a LOT of springs from several mattresses but took them entirely apart. I'm now on the hunt for inspiration -- and you certainly brought it! Did you use an entire mattress on the table? If so, was it a crib mattress or what were the dimensions? Thanks.

  8. Love the winescape...I mean, tablescape! Genius, as usual.

    But I have to wonder...does Mr. Junk ever look at you and say "...we're going to use that rusty thing to do what?!" Or is he totally educated by now and just knows that *you know!*

    Happy weekend!

  9. Cassie, you bring the wine, I'll bring the springs...we don't need food! I am loving the tablescape. When is the next trip to Texas??? ~Mindy

  10. Love the springs with your finishing touches...I wish I had some of that cake with my coffee this morning...Ooh - la - la.

    Good to hear from you...hi to your junkin' sista's.


  11. Hi- just hopped over from your Junkmarket post(I am ninnarae there)- this is such a great idea! I have really enjoyed reading your blog and look forward to reading more!

  12. Oh--I love this--it is so much fun and so elegant too. Thanks girls for linking up, I think I am going to have a glass of wine now :)

  13. PS--Warm chocolate melting cake is one of our favorites here--I have to try to make it gluten free now.

  14. Fabulous! Now when were you going to have that desert ready for us?

  15. Girl... when I read the title of the post and the first few lines, I knew you had to be the author of this post!!! Yep I scrolled on down and I was correcto! Hope all is well, I am still alive and kicking. I dream about Antique Malls in my sleep but I love the new job! Thanks for checking in on me. We have to talk soon! Hugs, Janna

  16. 念阿彌陀佛往生西方極樂世界April 13, 2010 at 7:57 AM

    阿彌陀佛 無相佈施


    之為腥。所謂「葷腥」即這兩類的合稱。 葷菜
    (重定向自五辛) 佛家五葷



    興渠另說為洋蔥。) 肉 蛋 奶?!

    念楞嚴經 *∞窮盡相關 消去無關 證據 時效 念阿彌陀佛往生西方極樂世界

    不婚 不生子女 生生世世不當老師

    log 二0.3010 三0.47710.48 五0.6990 七0.8451 .85
    root 二1.414 1.41 三1.732 1.73五 2.236 2.24七 2.646
    =>十3.16 π∈Q' 一點八1.34

  17. randomly stumbled upon your blog. the title caught my eye. i am just getting into the whole "redmaking" craze and have been going to auctions to find "junk". Love the burlap idea and have an idea where I can incorporate it!

  18. Darn, I was hoping to impress you by commenting in Chinese but I see someone beat me to it. I hate when that happens!

    Beautiful and interesting table setting.

    Amazing menu.

    I need to move to the great frozen North so I can wrangle an invitation to your parties.


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