
Thursday, May 13, 2010

Our Latest Adventure

Last week the Junk Fest girls ventured across the border to take in the Art & Architecture/Junk Market Style's kickoff charitable gala event in Minneapolis. As you may know, the JF girls are members of JunkMarketStyle, which is a site where like-minded junkers share their projects and photos of all things junk related! This site is spear-headed by one of the true junk pioneers of our time, Sue Whitney. It is through Junk Market Style that we've acquainted ourselves with, corrensponded with, and even junked with some of the nicest people you'd ever want to meet!

What could be better than pairing creative junkers with incredible art, artchitectural elements and fabulous found items? Nothing!

Here we are (Lynette, Cassie, Missy, Andrea) at the gala, thoroughly surrounded by "junk" and loving every minute of it!

There was SO MUCH to take in that I couldn't possibly begin to show you all here! Below are just some of the things that made me ooh & ahhh....

Gorgeous chippy, white architectural pieces totally make me swoon!

Fun and funky tablescapes...

Didn't get a good shot of the bajillion (honest) clocks there, but here's a sampling of their related parts! Just as incredible, if you ask me!

Being the sweet-heart that she is (not to mention best-ever lamp shade re-cycler!) Missy offers to share her beverage with a thirsty shopper. This is why we call her Sweet Melissa.

The event was held at Minneapolis' Art & Architecure 2nd floor loft. Here's a shot of A & A as you walk in the door.

Yes, still enjoying ourselves! Look at those could you not have a good time in this beautifully historic building?!

We managed to gather as many as we could for an evening meal and share some great stories. This was our chance to visit with some of the JMS members who came from afar, and reconnect with the MN locals.

Laurel, JMS's "Chipping Charm" poses with Sweet Melissa.

All the way from Ohio by car, was Kathy of Sylvia's Vintage Daughter, and her partner in crime Terry. These two were also vendors at the event and brought the 750+ clocks!

Here we have Janis of junkdreams fame, all-time best junk supporter Caroline, and Amy of WhisperWood Cottage and junkologie. Janis traveled from Canada, and Amy came from Duluth.

Of course, no trip to the Twin Cities would be complete without a three hour stop at Hunt & Gather!

Andrea and Lynette peruse the rusty metal goods outside the store...

While I perch on chippy white bench we had ABSOLUTELY NO ROOM FOR!!

And now you see why! I think that luggage took up entirely too much room.

Well, there may not have been room for the bench, but we did manage to fit a few other treasures in! Swing out to JunkFest to see the goods!!


  1. Anything that has to do with watch or clock faces!!!! Looks like you all had a fabulous time!!! My heart and mind is there....oh, this body just doesn't fly as easily as the rest of my imagination!!! or dreams!!! deb

  2. that looks like the MOST FUN TRIP EVER!

    no doubt you had a blast, got some treasures and loved every minute together!


  3. A few of us from the SE corner of Minnesota were there on Friday. So sorry we missed you!! Maybe next time!

  4. OMG!*!*! Sounds like a PeRfeCt Trip!!! Sooooo glad you got to HUNT & GATHER... Great Pics!!! Thanks for sharing... BTW - Are you sure the chippy white bench couldn't have gone on the roof??? - 2-Die-4!!! Jeanine, ChiPPy!=SHaBBy!

  5. I remember that post where Kathy and Terry showed the mother lode of clocks. Looks like fun...especially since my girl Amy was there!

  6. Great pics, Cassie! It's *almost* as good as being there with the four of you.

    Well...not really...but you've still shared terrific pics of the awesome junk and festivities! ;-) You girls always look so refreshed and totally in your element!

  7. Looks like you all had a great time!! I'm jealous!! Such cool stuff! So glad Melissa gave that mannequin head a drink... she was looking dehydrated! :)

  8. What great pictures. I love Mpls. & hopefully, will be able to make it in Sept. Can't wait! Jan

  9. Hi Cassie!

    Great pics! Those clock faces, oh my gosh...

    Thanks so much for your visit and for your thoughts on my cubby post, I always love hearing what you're thinking.

    Have a wonderful day!

  10. New follower here! I just found your blog and look forward to seeing more great stuff! I love that you all have so much fun with projects. I am a guy who teaches women that tools are for woman, too, and hope to give them the skills and confidence to try new projects that they might not have thought they could tackle. I'm sure to get lots of inspiration here!

  11. Hey there girls! So much fun to see pics of your trip to Minneapolis. It was absolutely FANTASTIC meeting you (I knew we'd be friends right away), and wish we could have spent more time together (and I really wish we could have gone to Hunt & Gather with you!).

    I know there will be a next time...

    Hugs, Kathy

    P.S> I'll be doing a post on JMS and my blog - so you'll have to stop by...

  12. visiting your blog for the first time. looks like so much fun! :) looks like lots of great junk!

  13. Great post...everyone is having a fab time ts seems....I wonder if you would add me to your blog roll. As a fan of yours , I have had you in my blog links for a long time. Would love to be on yours, I am C. Dianne Zweig Kitsch n Stuff


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