
Thursday, July 22, 2010

Hardware JunkFest!

What do you get when you combine one "I'm bored!" ten year old, a "JunkFest on the brain" mom, some hardware, and a YouTube video? Washer necklaces, of course!! On a quest to find something somewhat budget friendly and easy enough for my daughter to contribute to JunkFest 2010, we hit the laptop and began surfing YouTube for jewelry making tutorials. Have you looked at tutorials on YouTube? Holy. Tutorials. Batman. You name it, someone's explained it...all on video.

You start with some blank washers, any size. We chose some that were as small as 1" in diameter up to about 4". Have you washer shopped lately? What's that? You're too busy perusing YouTube? Me too!
Anyway, there are many sizes to choose from. Itty-bitty all the way up to mondo-that's-gonna-strain-someone's-neck!

Next, pick out the prettiest papers you can find. We just happen to have a small fortune invested in scrapbooking paper.....don't ask me why....we don't even scrapbook!

Fast forward to the finished product! Aren't these ridiculously cute?

Okay, I got a little excited and wanted you to see them! Wanna know how they're made? Well to get the full details you'll have to search on YouTube, but I can tell you you'll need cording of your choice (we used hemp) household glue, diamond glaze, and jewelry findings for finishing the necklaces. Oh, and time....lots of time.

But, so worth the wait...don't you agree?

Look for these at JunkFest...they'll be right by the creative, enterprising, not-so-bored-anymore, 10 year-old!
I'm linking to Becky's Under $100 Link Party....over here, and Donna's SNS over here.
Also, BNOTP, Metamorphosis Monday!


  1. Madeson & Cassie - These are GREAT! I want one...or two or more! Adorable! Way to go!


  2. You are one awesome mama with a very talented and inspired young daughter! Those are terrific!!! Truly. Well done, ladies!

    Oh...and this just goes to show: We are women. And we are never too old or too young to dream and create!

  3. Where does the line start to buy them?? ...I think they are fabulous!!

  4. Those are fantastic. You can set her up with a little business.

  5. Just darling. I am going to try doing this with my granddaughters. Thanks for sharing.


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