
Wednesday, September 29, 2010

JF '10 Evening Expo

Houston, we have landed! Seems it takes just a day or two longer each year to recover from the craziness that is JunkFest! It's all good craziness, of course! Here are just a few pics to highlight the Friday night "Evening Expo."

Bellied up to yet another incredible masterpiece by SweetMelissa, are the JunkFest girls waiting to welcome shoppers to what we hoped would be a stress-free, no hassle shopping event. According to the feedback we received, we were successful.

Lynette, Andrea, Cassie, Missy (SweetMelissa)

Missy collects tickets from happy shoppers....a bit more relaxing than the Saturday morning "shot-gun" start.

Shoppers browse the vignettes and beautiful re-purposed pieces...

This smile says it all...

A little giggling among girlfriends....always welcomed!

The eating area we set up was well utilized (although maybe a tad too small?) by shoppers eating, relaxing, and pondering their purchases.

Our "local attractions" brochure was a hit for those out-of-towners returning for more fun on Saturday...

More chatting while Andrea writes up tickets.

Another one of those smiles we love to see at JunkFest! Perhaps it was the fun artwork on this chalkboard?!

We never tire of this site! The smiles, visiting, and sometimes even the "junk" bonding!

Need I say more? By the way....these are actual shoppers...not paid actors!!

Lynette and Missy prepare to draw for one of 5 fun door-prizes....

The door prizes: Fall mums in a chamberpot, framed chalkboard, funky fall wreath on an iron stand, cloche on rusty lamp base, and a necklace from one of our favorite vendor/artisans (thanks Tamra!)

One last shot....the lucky winner of the framed chalkboard.

Thanks for tagging along....stay tuned for more pics from JF'10!


  1. Junk Fest Girls:
    I am so impressed by your event. Great pictures of your happy shoppers. Unbelievable
    what you fab four are able to create each year. Congrats on such a successful sale. I hear you almost sold out. So much hard back breaking work you gals do. I am sure everyone really appreciates it. You do all the traveling for junk and the hard dirty work and we just get to come buy it and put it in our homes.

    Love Carolyn- Your Minnesota friend

  2. Almost forgot. Wonderful door prizes! You
    gals always do it up right. Congrats.


  3. It's no wonder that you JunkGirls were smiling so brightly on had this event as the beginning to a great weekend!

    LOVE the pics!

    Again...congrats to all four of you and your *support staff* for a successful event!

  4. Hey Guys....!

    I hope this note finds you all well & recovered form Junkfest....I'm flat out like a lizard drinkin' working on my NEXT US Junking Adventure....I'd LOVE to be able to visit your show....Do you have an idea as to dates for next year so I can keep them in mind....??

    Cheers for now from Oz,
    Tamarah :o)


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