
Sunday, September 19, 2010

On Your Mark..Get Set...OOPS!!

JunkFest day was a blast! And a usual. The preparations keep us busy, but the anticipation of the day keeps building and building...and in a blink it's over. :( We have such a grand time, though. The fairgrounds swarm with activity. Smiling faces. Laughter. Friends, new and old. We could spend hours rehashing the stories from visiting with fellow junk lovers.

Only two things to put a twist on the day! Those ND winds of course, and a bit of a plunder with the shotgun start. The sweetest SweetMelissa (heehee) had a bit of a misunderstanding at the gate. While opening the ribbon to let a vehicle exit, a stampede several hundred eager shoppers mistook the action as opening time. Of course I ran around squealing and flailing my arms to tell them we weren't ready! Vendors were still setting up! But to no avail. We've decided to laugh about it now, but seriously hope it didn't inconvenience any vendors or out-of-town shoppers!!

Here are only a few of the items up for sale Saturday morning taken before the day began...but didn't catch everything on film...SORRY!

I do know this as fact. Things move quickly. The Junk Hunks get it up and out in no time. So you'd better have a helper mark it sold...or it may not be there if you blink!


  1. Pretty stuff, the last is the best, of course! I can just picture you, trying to round the girls gone junking up, herding cats come to mind! LOL, Lezlee

  2. When there's a stampede, all you can do is run for the hills! Hilarious, but trust me...they knew what they were doing!
    I I need that wine rack. Fab-o!

  3. wow. Wow. WOW! Lovely pictures of lovely *stuff!*

    And it was a fabulous time! Thanks again for letting me take part. ;-)

  4. Was a lot of fun ! Was glad to be a vendor !
    The Little Things

  5. Hello Andrea....!

    THANKS so much for your recent note....The PLEASURE though was all mine.... :o) !!

    I so wish I could have followed you back to witness JunkFest 2010....Maybe next year ** wink **

    ....hahahahaha....BUMMER about the missunderstanding at the beginning....I would have LOVED to have seen you running about flapping your arms....As a matter of fact....The very thought of you doing that is making me chuckle as I type....!

    Take care Lovey & GOOD JUNKIN' to you & the girls....!

    Cheers for now from Brenham TX,
    Tamarah :o)

  6. Yar yar yar....Melissa my apologies....I would have LOVED to have have seen YOU flapping your arms about....!

    Me thinks I'm suffering from 'Junkers overload'....hahahahaha....!!

    Tamarah :o)

  7. I purchased the Queen of Tarte and she looks utterly fab-u-lash in my bedroom. Loved all my stuff thanks ladies can't wait for next year! Like the new page background. :)


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