
Friday, October 15, 2010

The Softer Side of Industrial Chic.

What's your style? Primitive, cottage, eclectic, funky, shabby chic, industrial? I've really hardly even given "Industrial Chic" a thought. In my mind it was cold, hard, metal, glass, and too contemporary.

This post is linking up to Margo's Junkin Journal and her Industrial Chic Linky Party, and Funky Junk Donna at SNS, but my take on "Industrial Chic" isn't quite the same as most. I'm all about the mix of different styles and that mix keeps my things from becoming "cold and hard" to me. I'd like to call it the Softer Side of Funky Industrial Chic. The few things around my home weren't necessarily in industry but in the working force at some point in their dutiful lives. (not saying I don't WISH I had some awesome industrial pieces!)

This heavy piece is a new purchase of mine....and I love it! Once a functional automotive part, it now works wonderfully as a "vase" for some dried broom corn. My Grandfather (pictured above) used to manufacture brooms with this fabulous plant. The broom corn, along with the warm colored rust work together to soften the cold metal of the axle.

And I'm lucky enough to have one of the brooms made by him!! I'll always know which one in my collection is the family heirloom by the paint he got on it the day he and I were painting trim at his house. When I realized it was one of his very own handcrafted brooms (and knowing there were very few around!) I jumped for joy and was the lucky recipient of it.

Using inspiration from the Bachman's Idea House...T.P. is always close at hand when needed!

This centerpiece was likely once an air filter or implement part of some kind. Again the rust, with a little bit of candlelight make it warm and inviting for my tastes.

Not sure on this metal pan, but I believe it is similar to those used to hold oil for equipment maintenance. (or I might be making that up....but isn't it awesome!) Story here.

Okay, maybe my idea of Industrial Chic is way off base...but I love the mix these items bring to my home. Now head on over at Margo's linky party and check out the links...some FAB stuff and wonderful inspiration there! Thanks for stopping by!!


  1. Oh be STILL my wilding BEATING HEART....I'm in AWE of your WONDERFUL interpretation of Funky Industrial Chic....!!

    I LOVE each piece & will be on the lookout this weekend for something similar to your re-purposed candle center piece....That's just TOO brilliant an idea to save for later....!!

    Have A FAB weekend you clever Junker you....!

    Cheers from Oz,
    Tamarah :o)

  2. You are right on target. I think Industrial works best when it's softened up a bit :)
    Thank you so much for coming to my party, hope you enjoy visiting the other links, there are some truly talented gals out there.

  3. Spot on, as usual! Well at least I agree with your version, anyway. How could two of us be wrong?!

    Love the pics! Your decorating always looks so so cool!

    Happy weekend!

  4. Great pieces with an industrial flair!!! I love mixing industrial with romantic whites!
    Happy day!

  5. I don't think you are off base at all. Love your interpretation of Industrial Chic....I think mine is similar. I think it's very cool that you have a broom that was made by your grandfather, that is a real treasure.

  6. Cool pieces! I especially smiled at the candle holder tube thing. :) MY kinda chic for certain!


  7. I grow broom corn in my garden and have a lot of it on our front porch right now. How very wonderful that your grandfather actually made brooms from it and you have one! I love all your rusty industrial pieces in your home. Great use of the shoe lasts (is that what they are called?) to hold the filter for the candles.

  8. Love all these, but the centerpiece is my favorite!

  9. Lovely industrial...glad I saw your mop bucket, reminded it me I bought one awhile back, lol. Lezlee

  10. Love the industrial pieces, your kitchen looks amazing. tami from the high street cottage

  11. I love that! Any ideas what I could do with a car exhaust pipe. I feel like it has potential. Not sure for what though. Hmmmmm this seems right up your alley.

  12. You're not "off base" at all. I love the marriage of styles that you've shown us. I think that I'd like a bit of softening of this style myself. Love your displaying a broom that your grandfather made.

  13. Love them all but have to say I like the way the wire sits on the old shoe molds the best.
    thanks for sharing,

  14. Love your table centerpiece and how great to have a broom made by your grandfather!


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