
Saturday, October 30, 2010

Words Can Say So Much!

I had a teaser post on these a while back. (Click HERE to see.) They've since been finished...and have found their new homes! I hope their new owners are enjoying them as much as I did making them!

Above is the finished you believe they started like this:

Both frames were dismantled and painted. I cut MDF for each frame, painted one with chalkboard paint and the music themed print with just a base color. I like to lay out and trace stencils simply for placement on a print...then when I'm satisfied with the total layout of the project I use the stencils again to stipple the lettering and design.

When I finished the entire board I lightly sanded the entire surface so it wouldn't look so "fresh". Since all the words on this project had a musical theme I decided it was more than fitting to cover the mat with sheet music.

This table was a set of treadle legs repurposed with a table-top type surface added. I wanted it to have a bit more of a fun flare than just a plain painted top. I applied the same treatment as above but only ran the words around the edge of the table. I hope it's new owner finds inspiration with every task performed at this funky table!

This post is linking to:

SNS #54

Make It For Monday

Check out The Old Painted Cottage for this fabulous burlap bag giveaway!


  1. How fantastic! I'm always looking for new ideas for old frames and these are wonderful! Many of these large frames are quite inexpensive at thrift stores, but we usually don't have pictures to go in them. Maybe I'll make one into a chalkboard for my kitchen wall. Keep inspiring! ~Leena~

  2. These are really great! LOVE the table, too. Lezlee

  3. Oh Melissa you are just TOO CLEVER....!!

    I LOVE how your frames turned out & your table top on that WICKED base is just AWESOME....!!

    I wish I lived nearby so we could have 'workfests' together....hahahahaha....I always seem to be more motivated to actually work on my projects when I have company....!!

    Hope you're havin' a WONDERFUL weekend....!

    Cheers for now,
    Tamarah :o)

  4. Love!! The sheet music is the coolest boarder for that one picture. But what's really wowing me is the table design. I just love that!


  5. My fav is the green table with great legs! Good going Miss Sweet Melissa!
    smiles, alice

  6. Love 'em all (that base if killer, btw)and am jealous of your skilz! I don't even know what "stipple" means...but it's obvious you do!

  7. I love these! Absolutely cool! Wow!

  8. Love all the word projects! Hard to believe they came from the before pieces. They treadle base table is way cool!

  9. absolutely L.O.V.E the treadle table with graphics!

    you've inspired a makeover that i'm working on for my parents.


    judi ;)


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