
Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Thankful for....

The JunkFest Girls and I felt it was important to do a post for Thanksgiving. It's an important holiday, but more than that, just the simple joy of being "thankful" for the people and things around us is just worth sharing.

Instead of sharing a project today, I'd like to share 10 things I'm thankful for. I invite you to comment and share your 10, or 5, or 2 with us!

Ten things that have made my life richer, in no particular order...

1. Friends that share the Adventure of Junk, whether it be in the actual hunt and gather, or in blogland where we share inspiration and motivation.

2. Sisters (and sisters-in-law) that have shared my life in such a positive way.

3. My husband, Sweet Man-O-Mine, (recently referred to as Mr. SweetMelissa...heehee) who is by my side no matter what ups and downs come our way. 24 years and counting...

4. The fact that a wonderful attendance at JunkFest made it possible for the JunkFest Girls to donate to three very special organizations: Quilts for Hospice, the ND-MN Alzheimer's organization, and one of our local Cemetery funds.

5. Boys. My three sons have enriched my life in so many ways I can't even begin to share them all with you.

6. The time I had in life with my parents. Although they are no longer with us, their love and influence have given me strength, and made me the person I am today.

7. Chocolate. The next best thing to...well, it's just a good thing!

8. Living and loving my life in the country. I can't imagine anything different than wide open spaces and blue skies.

9. Good health and happiness. No explanations necessary!

10. Multitudes of new friends through the world of BLOG. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!!


  1. I have many things that I am thankful for, but the one that I am most thankful for right now is that my daughter is coming home (driving all the way from Chicago to Maryland with a three month old)to spend Thanksgiving with us!!

  2. Happy Thanksgiving to you! (My list is very similar to yours....including the sons)

  3. I'm thankful for so many of the same things and the only thing I might add is PECAN PIE.

  4. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your JunkSisters!

  5. Happy Thanksgiving Missy! I'm thankful for my junk sisters too! Ditto on almost every dang ten reasons above, except I do like living in town (only cause it's close to the grocery store and drive-in!)

    Didn't know you've been married 24 years - us too!


  6. Hope you Thanksgiving was extra special.
    I am blessed as you are and grateful for so many of the same gifts!
    Take care, Laura


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