
Monday, November 15, 2010

Time for a rest

Hey, bloggers - it's me, Andrea, a/k/a Junk Girl. I am just wondering....have you ever felt like the world is passing you by, or you can't seem to stay on that merry-go-round another minute? Well, that's how life has been going for me.

I want to throw out a quick post to inform you all that I have officially hung up my JunkFest hat! That's more hauling, sweating, lifting, grunting and groaning for me.
I'm actually quite sad...yet relieved at the same time.

It wasn't an easy decision, as I love my junk sisters! In fact, they are the reason I hung-on for as long as I did. Not to worry folks - they will carry on with JunkFest without me, cause a whole bunch of people LOVE IT! But, my decision has been made. The saw dust is swept, the junk was all sold and the power tools are neatly tucked away. I will continue as a contributor on this blog. That's right, my crazy ideas and posts will still be inhabiting your computers, like it or not! So, are you wondering what's "up" with the picture? These are a few found objects I'll be using to JUNK UP my home this Christmas!

So, please stay tuned!


  1. Oh, so glad you are still going to be blogging your cool stuff, enjoy the rest and recharge. Lezlee

  2. I'm not going to say that I'm sorry to hear that, because I can so relate with where you are. And I know that sympathy is not what you're asking for...not what you're needing.

    There comes a day when passions -- such as the ones you and I (and others!) are fueled by -- must be squelched in some way. You've chosen the way that's fit for you...and you're still feeling enthusiasm about your passion, but now with so much more breathe-ability. No sadness. I think that's a win/win!

    The great thing about sharing a passion, a lifestyle, with good friends/*sisters* is that you can make this kind of decision...and smile!

    Thanks for this post, Andrea. I will be looking forward to your continued *genius* here!

  3. Holy. Didn't know I was writing a blog post, myself! Sorry about the length of that!

  4. I'm seriously bumming here! I so love all your creations, and I haven't even been to the JunkFest -- yet! But I respect your decision, and totally understand about getting tired out. I do hope you continue to create as I've been inspired by so many of your projects, I'm piling up my broken mirror pieces for Christmas. And last year I came across a croquet stand and knew immediately I wanted to turn it into a wine caddy. A customer came in while I was playing with it, and when I told her what you had done she bought it on the spot. PLEASE keep creating, and sharing -- but at a pace that works for you. Enjoy!

  5. I'm absolutely certain there are great things in store for you. No matter what you do next!

  6. Hey Gorgeous Andrea....!

    I tried to leave a comment just after you'd posted but something happened & my work computer almost had a HEART ATTACK as the JunkFest page replicated itself almost 100 times....!!

    Anyways, I wanted to let you know that I understand FULLY where you're coming from....E-X-A-C-T-L-Y....I'm just so GLAD you'll still be around 'cause THAT would be really sad....!!!

    Looking forward to catching up with you again soon....!

    Take care Lovey....!!

    Cheers from Oz,
    Tamarah :o)

  7. I am sad for your Junk Fest Sisters...glad you will still be blogging! I have always admired your style and talent.


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