
Monday, December 20, 2010

Vintage dessert cups on a tray

This year JunkFest was a huge success, in large part due to our wonderful flea market vendors. I managed to sneak away during the sale in our building to check out the MANY vendors overflowing the fairgrounds. I was just thrilled to find seven of these vintage dessert cups and wanted to share my find with you today. Aren't they pretty?

The cups are two pieces. I was told by the vendor the base is to be placed in the freezer so on hot summer days the ice cream won't melt as quickly. I love that!

So charming, don't you think?

I also found this drawer front, but not sure what it came off of. When I was digging though my stash while decorating for Christmas, I was stoked to see the numbers on the drawer were a "25". I hadn't remembered that! How perfect to use during Christmas in some way?!

(I also love the cool hinges).

I decided the drawer would be a neat "tray" for the dessert cups. I think I will fill them with a couple different dips or small cheese balls. My JunkFest buddies will be over soon for a little Christmas cheer...wonder what they'll think of my new "tray" and cups?

I can always cover up the "25" with some cute scrap booking paper when used for other occasions, right?

Hope you all have a nice week; attending lots of parties and are all ready for the Christmas Holiday! Enjoy!


  1. Oh I love those; and your "tray" is delicious!


  2. Oh, I just LOVE your "tray"...I would have scooped that up too! Have good :) Laurel

  3. I do not recall seeing that wonderful door tray....are you holding out on me? On a more positive note, yipee! I'm one of your junk buddies and I get to come to your house soon!

  4. Awesome tray and dessert cups. Would be great to serve my favorite peppermint ice cream in them.

  5. I've seen cups with inserts but never dessert cups. Very unique!~Ames

  6. Did someone say dessert?


    OK. Never mind.

    It's OK.

    I wasn't really that hungry.


  7. LOVE those dessert cups and your redesigned drawer/tray!

  8. Those bowls are just fabulous! They just don't make things like they used to. Enjoy all the ways you can use them.


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