
Sunday, January 2, 2011

My Stars

All you Pottery Barn fans out there may be familiar with these images....they've been in the recent holiday catalogs. They're featuring the glass apothecary jars, which are lovely. But, I was more intrigued by the adorable vintage paper stars inside them. They almost made me want to buy the apothecary jars.....but I know that 1) I don't need them, and 2) when I do need them, I can find them cheaper someplace else.

Anyway, this post is not about the jars, but rather the stars. I heart them. I wanted them as soon as I saw them. But I didn't know how to get them. So I put them out of my mind until I found this blog while checking out a linky party. In case you didn't know, you can find tons of incredible ideas, projects, tutorials , etc. by lurking around linky parties.

Suzanne over at Meridian Road made an adorable star garland out of these sweet little sheet music strips. She gives a quick and easy tutorial here. Since it was storming here over the weekend (winter in ND....go figure!) I decided to try my hand at these.

Cute, yes? They even make my vintage silver candle holders, clock faces and pearl necklace look better, much like the apothecary jars!

Yes, you're seeing that right. I've only made three. Winter is just getting started here. There will be more storms.....more stars. Thank you Suzanne for the tutorial. And thank you Pottery Barn for the inspiration!

Joining Kathleen over at Faded Charms for White Wednesday #81 & Becky at Beyond the Picket Fence for her Under $100 party.


  1. I'm so excited.... I fell in love with the stars too... more than the jars when I saw them in the catalog. OHHHHH, thank you for sharing!

  2. Oh. My. Stars. I saw this and instantly took a peek in my Christmas goodie bag from you to see if they were in the bottom and I missed them....just kiddin!! I missed these on the linkies, as I am a diehard linky lurker, and I'm SO glad you shared the tute link. Can't wait to check it out!

    Had a fabulous afternoon with the JunkFest Girls...thanks girls!!

  3. You made my day! I tried to order these for home and for decorating at church, but they were sold out! Off to get these kiddos to bed so I can check this out!!

  4. Hey~thanks for the shout out! Your stars look great.

  5. Those are so completely lovely!

    I've been thinking about what I wanted to do with music sheets - this looks like the perfect project.

    Happy 2011!

  6. Awesome! Always looking for something else to do with vintage music. Thanks for sharing!

  7. Those look to the tutorial..thanks!


  8. Love those! I will checking out that tutorial! Thanks for sharing!

  9. Cassie these are awesome! I eyed them in the PB catalog myself. Thanks for sharing the tutorial for making them! Woohoo!

    Happy 2011!

  10. Those stars are awesome! Thanks for pointing us to the tutorial!

  11. I'm definitely going to be trying these! Thanks for sharing♥ FYI I'm having a giveaway on my blog & its a good one if you're interested.

  12. o-m-g! those sheet music stars are amazing! you are genius! love, love them!!!!


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