
Wednesday, February 2, 2011

I'm Such a CopyCat

Edited to link to:

I spend alot of time being a copycat feeding my creativity with the inspiration of others.

I've been swooned by this table from Donna at Funky Junk Interiors.

Funky Junk Interiors and Miss Mustard Seed have teamed up for a Copy Me Challenge. How fun is that!!!

Copy Me Challenge

It just so happens, I've had this wood (?crate top?) hanging around for a few years waiting for some attention, so I'm joining the challenge!

I love FJI's idea of putting personal meaning in the script. On my sign, "Miller's Spur" was a store my Great Grandfather and Great Aunt were involved in back in the day. The establish date is when the land of my home was purchased from the US....way back in the day! The number "5"....well, that's just a special number to me! :)

I'm also joining the DIY Project Party. Being inspired by others is just the first step. Now get on out there and try a project yourself!!


I'll share with you how I used inspiration to bring this project together.
I started by playing in some photo editing programs trying different placements and fonts until I found a combination that worked.

Then I had Young One hold the wood piece up so I could be sure it would look ok in the intended spot. He was ever so delighted to help me. (notice he could not take his eyes off the TV)

I printed out the intended fonts and got to work planning to resize and graph them onto the wood piece.

This took WAY too much coffee. I do believe there will be a projector in my future!!!

Yes, I spend way too much time prepping and thinking. Perhaps this is my own personal productive procrastination.

Ahhh....the "5" is all graphed in chalk and ready to paint. That projector would have come in handy!


Once I had everything painted (some by graphing in chalk, and some were stenciled) I sanded the lettering to make it look aged.

If you're into typography...CSI is the place to check! Your mind will swim with all the possibilities!


I was thinking it needed something more....hmmm.

How about this old broom holder, a test tube, and some fresh flowers?


Cost? FREE!

Beyond The Picket Fence


  1. I love this project, you did a great job, wonderful statement piece.


  2. great job it turned out beautiful

  3. I am in LOVE! This is fantastic.

  4. Outstanding job! You should be so proud!

  5. Wonderful! And you had the perfect wall for it.

  6. This is beauteous. I'm gonna try one myself!

  7. I love it. What a great piece. It makes a wonderful piece of wall art.

  8. Awesome!! That is one of my favs from Donna... You made a gorgeous sign!! Love the size!!


  9. I love love love it. And I love the music too! One of my fav Eagles songs!!

  10. Love it! Very original! Saw it at DIY Club!

  11. So cool!
    It looks so great and FUNKY!
    GOOD copy cat...LOL

  12. It looks great!!! I think copying is the greatest form of flattery. ;-)

  13. LOVE it! Fabulous take on Miss Donna's table ~

  14. That is awesome! I love it! Theresa xoxo

  15. Missy, this is just fab! LOVE the wood you used and all the meaning behind the graphics! When you get tired of it, remember whose last name is MILLER...


  16. Copy cat or not, this is a fabulous idea!


  17. Love Love Love Love Love.

    Do you remember that poster that a certain sister of yours had in her room...from her (then) boyfriend? I think it said "I Love You" like 5 million times or something? That's how I feel about this latest creation of yours!

    Love Love Love Love Love.

  18. Personal productive procrastination? Oh, I feel so much better about my own procrastination! Thank you for that term!

    Your sign looks just perfect there....and it looks so original! Great job!

  19. I absolutely love this, and I bet you'll smile every time you walk past it. Looks great!

  20. Spectacular! Love it, it was well worth the time and effort!

  21. This is an awesome piece! You did a fabulous job and I love that you used phrases and numbers that meant something to you. A beautiful piece of art!!

  22. I too am a painter and sign maker...NOW I am going to be a copy cat!!!! I love this...the layout is awesome and so very pleasing. Come by and visit and see my latest sign. I think you will appreciate it.


  23. This looks fantastic..great job!!

  24. I love it! What an awesome job you did!

  25. What a great project! And, yes, it's Funky Junk style.

  26. If I could pick a would definately be in the it...and no projector!!

  27. It looks amazing!! I am so impressed. I need a projector for a project I'm wanting to do, and I'm not nearly as artsy as you in freehanding, so maybe I need to get one before I attempt this.

  28. I love your sign! The combination of the graphics are just perfect and you had the absolutely perfect place to hang it. Hugs, Kim

  29. Oh my how I love this idea! Super rustic and signage? That's my middle name! :) Awesome execution, girl! Funky indeed. :)


  30. Thanks for feeding my creativity....


  31. I love this!!! 35 years ago I made my new husband build a bookcase out of wood from my great grandfather's barn. We used it for several years but when we moved across the country we got rid of it. I have regretted it since then. It still had plenty of new possibilities.

  32. LOVE this! your "way too much coffee" project payed off :)

    ~ Emily N. from "too Blessed to Stress"

  33. Oh Miss Sweet Melissa!
    You did a fabulous job!! I too need a projector!
    smiles, alice

  34. Hi, I'm Mel over at Mel's Cabin and I'm a #5 fan too! My great grandpa had an old country store too...nice idea to remember this part of history. Copy Me Contest is fun!

  35. Looks great and I love how you chose something with meaning. My uncles owned a grocery too. I also really like the addition of the flowers.

    Please stop by my blog I am having a big giveaway.

    :) Michelle

  36. Super perfect, I'm impressed how you enlarged the lettering! The flowers are the perfect finishing touch. You win!

  37. What a fantastic project! Beautiful entry for Funky Junk! I really need to finish my project...soon!

  38. Wow! AMAZING, Melissa! I'm definitely saving (ok....copying) this one! It's fabulous!!!!!
    I'm your newest follower, btw. Love your style!

    xoxo laurie

  39. Oh, I forgot to ask THE BIG question: How in the world do you go from computer size graphics to the size you needed? Can you take us step by step?? :)

    xoxo laurie

  40. Absolutely awesome and an amazing statement piece!

    Take care,

  41. How did I miss this when I scanned through the linked up projects the first time? Duh! I just love this transformation and the very inspired way you personalized it. Bravo!! -diane

  42. A hat off to you!! I too did a HUGE wood wall art. It's not easy. But in the end it is totally worth it. Good job! I love the style you used instead of one whole piece of wood!!

  43. melissa,
    this is so cool! it reminds me of the huge pile of lathe that we have pulled from our farmhouse walls...always a repurpose in mind. love how you added the personal meaning behind each graphic.
    i'm so glad that i'm not the only one out there that has ppp! i make myself tired from all the thinking i do before i even get started!
    the location is perfect for you new sign.

  44. very impressive. I want to attempt this on a smaller scale since, I do not think I could adjust the size of the fonts freehand? Thanks for sharing!

  45. I love this idea.. my head is spinning.

  46. Everything looks great--I love it and you know it is a compliment to be copied.


  47. It's beautiful! I love typography too and old/vintage. You did a fantastic job! LOVE it! :)


  48. very cool! and your execution of the idea is superb!

  49. Oh my HEAVENS....I LOVE this piece Melissa....I am SO grabbing myself a pallet tomorrow & doing this....I ONLY hope it turns out HALF so well....!!

    WAY TO GO YOU....Clever BUGGER....!!

    Cheers from Oz,
    Tamarah :o)

  50. Your sign is gorgeous, nicely done! I've got this linked to my letters and numbers post too today, for inspiration!


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