
Friday, February 25, 2011

Spring....Where Are You?

Hello again! A week has passed since our last post....seems time is standing still amidst the frozen winter here. With no sign of spring in sight, I've been playing.....looking for some green, anything to encourage me that this winter will end soon...

As I said, I've been playing.....rearranging little vignettes in my kitchen. Grocery store tulips fit the bill when everything is still dirty gray outside.

Just look at that gorgeous black dirt with new life emerging from it! Oh, and the scent is incredible! Must be the farm girl in me that gets excited over fresh dirt!

When fresh greens & bulbs aren't available, silk is the next best long as it's green, I don't care!

Do you see that spot of sunlight peeking in? Hello Mr. Golden Sun!

I love this sweet cherub's face! Another reminder that "gardening" season will soon be upon us...

This morning the hubs asked me what "that clock did to end up in a cage?"

Thanks for tagging along with me on my quest for spring. What are you doing to pass the time?

I'll be searching for some spring inspiration over at Faded Charm.....won't you join me?


  1. Gorgeous pictures! I'm a lover of the smell of fresh dirt, too. There is a community I pass through often that has acres and acres of freshly plowed earth in the spring. I love that time of year!
    Spring is pretending it's here in my neck of the woods. Beautiful, warm days.

  2. Beautiful mantle! I am so ready for spring too. I love all your touches, and the smell of fresh dirt is nice! We won't have any signs of spring her for a couple of months, so I am trying to be patient.

  3. Nothing like a bunch of midwestern girls with a liking to the smell of dirt! Sounds silly, but that is the true heart of hearts talking. Your displays are encouraging that Spring is coming.

  4. Pretty tulips! I'm guessing that clock didn't keep good time and that's how it ended up in the cage. :)

    I'm planting seeds in every spare container and letting them grow on windowsills. I want to plant some grass in big bowl, just so I can cut it and smell something like summer.

  5. It's been warm this week (70s) so we are fortunate! The daffodils are starting to come up, I just love Spring. Your pics are fantastic! Have a great weekend :-)

  6. LOL! I was just laughing at your hub's comment on what that poor clock did to end up in the cage! It hit me so hilariously!! lol! I can just smell the earthiness of the dirt in that post. How sad are we that we're inhaling dirt to get our spring fix??? lololol!

    xoxo laurie

  7. Your white pots look great with the other items...and now I want to run out and buy bulbs...the greens look so nice with the whites and creams.

  8. Everything looks so beautiful! Love all the clocks. I hate to see it but here in the South it is already getting too warm. I feel like we're missing spring and heading to summer!


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