
Tuesday, March 15, 2011

OOOhhh Pick ME, Pick ME

We are so excited to tell you that the
North Dakota Department of Tourism, sponsored by Hearst Communications,
has asked JunkFest to be a part of the prize package in their new Sweepstakes!

Our first thought was ...really?...heck yeah!!
We'd love to help promote our state, the city of Carrington,
and offer the best junkin experience we can think of!

What if we told you that you and your favorite junkin partner could win
that 4 night vacation package to explore central North Dakota?

And what if that vacation package included 2 free passes to JUNKFEST,
a JUNKFEST tote bag full of junky good gifts,
an exclusive one hour early bird shopping experience
AND a free lunch at the Fairgrounds??....

..and what if you knew that, while in Carrington, you would also receive
a tour of the new Dakota Sun Gardens Winery,
a private wine tasting in their quaint tasting room,
and a catered meal in their gorgeous gardens?

...Who would want to enter??

Well, the first step would be to pick up one of these:

and check out the bottom of page 35...
for more information and to enter...

...because you can't win if you don't enter!!

So, if you like to be the Queen of Junk....

....and fill up your trunk...
and mix in a little wine,
and enjoy the North Dakota scenery
while having an awesome roadtrip through the central part of the state
with your best friend (or spouse or sister or mother or daughter)
then you need to get to that entry form!!


**The picture of the vintage glove forms comes from Retrochalet on Etsy.
Unfortunately, I did not label the awesome picture
of the gal behind the car...
if you know the photographer, please inform us so we can give her credit.
(Let's just pretend the girl in that picture is me! Ha Ha)


  1. OH MY GOODNESS!! This prize has me written all over it!! I mean ALL over it! I do truly hope this is not the same weekend as the CL weekend in Columbus Ohio, although, I would be willing to sacrifice that trip for the North Dakota trip .. in a heartbeat!!!
    P.S. Thank goodness they don't make US citizen pass the mathematical test that I read about in the rules. teeheeeee Hoping I win, hoping I win, hoping I win.

  2. I would love this!! My dad grew up in Carrington--I haven't been there in 20 years. Will I get to stay at The Chieftain???
    Signing up NOW!

  3. Megan,

    It looks like the winner gets to stay at the Carrington Inn and Suites. It is located right across the street from the Chieftain,... so you can just run over and take your picture with the big chief! The winner also stays 2 nights at a cabin on the reservoir in Jamestown...check out the details on the website...and I believe more information will becoming in the next issue of Country Living magazine. Fun, Fun, FUN!! Good Luck! Lynette

  4. Hey Miss Allie. Technically that prize has ME written all over it. And I entered. And when I did I felt this little shiver of luck in my finger which means...I MAY ALREADY BE A WINNER!!!!

  5. Thanks for the tip! I'm going to enter! Loving your music!!!!

  6. I want to win this!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm planning a trip out this summer/fall and what a treat it would be to win this package!!!!

  7. So when is Junkfest? I think it is always the same weekend of the QH show so I never get to come. :(


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