
Thursday, March 3, 2011

Way cool...

Howdy everyone! Welcome to show 'n tell....where I show you one of my really cool finds, and you tell me what you would do with it!

I can't even begin to pretend that I know what this is or was. All I know is it's metal and has just the right amount of rust here and there.

If I had to guess, I'd say it was for something electrical, because there's this thing attached to it that holds two ceramic insulators.

It bears the number 102 in some sort of enamel paint...

A close-up of what I'm calling the "insulators"....dirt and all.

A little peek at that rust I mentioned...

Along with some other foreign gunk. Just keepin' it real for ya.

If this was yours to deal with, what would you do?

Here's what I'm thinking:

Can you see it?

I would love to know what ideas you have in mind!

Funky Junk's Sat Nite Special


  1. I think you're right. It will make a really cool lamp. I couldn't think of a thing until I saw the shade. So much for my imagination, huh?

    I'm having a give-away over on my blog this month. Hop on over and get your name in the pot!

  2. Crazy funky goodness! This will be a great lamp!

  3. Great lamp material. After studing it and consulting hubby...we believe it was a beacon on top of a radio tower??!! Be sure and post a pic of the finished lamp!

  4. Hey me again....the number "102" got me thinking. This could also be a beacon on top of high voltage power towers.

  5. Yep, I see a lamp, too, cool find! Lezlee

  6. This looks like a tripod for a spot lamp! Would look really cool if it looked like a theatre lamp.

  7. Cool Junk you found. Yes, I see a lamp!

  8. Hey Cassie....!

    I hope this note finds you well Lovey & starting to THAW....Oh YES....A lamp for sure....Talk about SEXY industrial junk....GREAT SCORE....!!

    Cheers from oz,
    Tamarah :o)

  9. Oh my gosh... LAMP all the way! That thing is awesome.


  10. Awesome find!! I thought it was a lamp already when I first saw it!

  11. Hi Cassie,
    Don't know what it is either but at first glance I'd say lamp. But then I got thinkin' how about a windmill or whirligig on top for out in the garden?
    Good luck and can't wait to see what you do with it!

  12. My first instinct was a lamp but right behind it I would mount a globe, sundial, gazing ball or mannequin on top.

  13. Yeah, my first thought was "LAMP!!"
    I don't know what it was originally. It kind of looks like the base for a really small windmill.

  14. I think what you have is the top portion to a huge antenna! Was probably really tall at one time! Maybe from a radio station. But it's really cool! Great find!

  15. Yep, I am seeing a lamp---this is going to be awesome. Waiting for the after. Lucky find.

  16. Yes, this is the top to a radio tower (like a CB radio) We had a really tall one behind my childhood house in the 80s (there when we moved in) My brother and I could climb on top of our house on it.

  17. I thought it was a lamp from the get go... :) Love it! It also has a very Parisian look to it and thought it was an Eiffel Tower inspired piece. Way cool. Can't wait to see what you do..

  18. Well now that's a total given for the coolest junk lamp ever... go for it!


  19. Really cool!!! Did you make the lamp? LOVE it :) Laurel


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