
Monday, April 18, 2011

My mind wanders...

I needed light. I needed vintage.

And this is how the post started.

So...I hung a display of vintage mirrors on my living room wall. And they do help a bit reflecting some light around the room.

And then the post took a turn... because I have some exciting news I just have to share. While I was goofing off at an auction last weekend, my hubby was checking out the latest and greatest (but not the most expensive!!) in digital cameras.

My trusty SLR was doomed to spend the rest of it's days in the camera bag since we got a digital several years ago. I missed the versatility of changing lenses but soon became fond of being able to delete the "bad" pics with the touch of a button.

Who wants to get film developed just to even see if the pictures turned out!?

But Sweet Man-O-Mine found out that those old SLR lenses of ours would work on a new fandangled Sony digital camera!

Well holy bean soup, who'd a thunk it.

Of course me being me....I protested.

"I don't want to carry around a HUGE camera anymore!" I said.

But when I got that new camera in my was like apple pie fresh from the oven. Yummy.

I can CHOSE when I want to focus myself. I can CHOSE when I want the flash to go off! And those poor lonely lenses got dusted off and put back to use.

(sorry old have to stay in the bag.)

Meanwhile, I'm playing with hubby's new camera (yes, he's a keeper!) and this is what it's STILL looking like in good ole North Dakota. Good grief.

Even this poor little bird is wondering where spring is but was ever so photogenic.

(this pic taken with the new camera through a thick glass paned door)

Oh yeah, and that auction I was's my prize purchase. Say what?!

Me thinks this one went to the birds!

(And of course I had to color out my messy garage so I could show you!)

And so the post ends. Now, what was I posting about? Oh yeah, mirrors. Will post next on a trick for doing the vinyl wall words if you don't have a fancy dancy cricut machine.

Linked to: SNS #89


  1. Hooray for your new camera! (And the guy that got it for you)...I'm always taking pics of the birds through the window too - they are so darned cute. We had snow yesterday here - enough already!


  2. Lovin' your mirror arrangement....and your new camera! But even a new camera can't make that metal helmet you got at auction less scarey!!

  3. Excellent! How lucky that your old lenses can be used with the new camera! Gives you much more versatility! The mirrors are lovely, looking forward to directions for the wall words and, the chicken head? Umm....unique? LOL! Definately not something you see, or wear, everyday! Is it metal? Looks kind of like Robo-chicken Thanx for sharing! ~Leena~

  4. Love the mirrors...I have something similar in my dressing area and it really changes up the room. and YEAH for the new camera! Sorry to see it's still snowing there....hopefully it will warm up soon! Happy Easter Ya'll from Houston, TX

  5. You're so funny!
    Love the mirrors... and repurposed
    I'm so glad they work on the new camera. Not as glad as you...I'm sure!
    That last self're such a hot looking chic!

  6. I know you're excited to have the new camera with lens changes and everything! My digital point and shoot (the 3rd one) was on it's last legs and we splurged and got a DSLR. Boy-hidey! What a difference!

    I love your mirror grouping and shared it with a friend of mine who is contemplating using a grouping over her mantle.

  7. Goodness gracious, your photos are marvelous! Cannot wait to see the fun that you'll be having...and sharing. ;)

  8. Well, how cool! I didn't know you could interchange lenses like that. Your photos are great~as are the mirrors. :)


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